Chapter 1

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The bellow of music echoed through Mayas ears as she danced with some girl dressed in a Harry Potter outfit, Maya's thought it was cute, but she was a Harry Potter nerd so... Maya who was dressed a (your choice ) -- laughed gleefully while spinning around smiling in the direction of her boyfriend Ethan and her best friend Chad, both were dancing and laughing together.

Ethan caught her glance and smiled with a cherry red blush and gave a shy wave. Maya's grinned and made her way over to the pair leaving behind her Harry Potter friend.

She went to Ethans side, said boy hugged her softly, while looking down at her with loving eyes, Chad smiled at the couple, he knew that after Amber, Maya didn't want to date again but when she met Ethan she couldn't help but trust and adore him.

"Hey May" Ethan kissed her head, Maya beamed back at him before giving Chad a mischevous grin, before he could say anything the girl jumped forward and started tickling his sides making the boy wheeze , but this soon stopped as Anika aproched.

"Hey big guy, you're needed." tapping Chad's arm, Maya sees Tara heading upstair with some asshole (Frankie) and the trio make there way through the crowed, hands connecnted with her boyfriends.

"Oh fuck no" Maya muttered as she watch her twin make a dumb drunk choose, she knew she should have brought her tasers. "T, lets go home, don't want Sam to worry!" But Tara just waved her off. "Its fine, go home with Ethan, be safe." Maya groaned into her boyfriends chest, who protectivly wraped his arms around her.

Chad was not having this, Tara deserved better. "Hey partner." he smiles fakely at Frankie.

"Tara's good down here."

"Sorry bro, I didn't catch that."

Tara looked at her friends is disbelief. "Yea, you did." Chad scoffs with a smile forced chuckle.

Tara stumbled towards Chad and her sister. "No Chad, M. I want to."

"See Chad. Maya." Frankie winks at the girl, making Ethan glare and move Infront of Maya. "She wants to."

The prick starts walking upstairs once more but this time he tries to drag Tara, making her tummble down, all her friends rush to her, Maya lefts her up as Chad yanks Frankie off the stairs.

"How about you keep your hands off her?"

"Are you okay? Maya asks as soon as she pulls her sister up, she tone of voice filled with worry. But Tara just stumbles down the stair trying to break up the fight. "Guys stop?" But the two boy keep shoving eachother.

Ethan pulls Maya away from the fight and holds her close, knowing she was worried about Tara, luckily Sam (Tara and Maya's older sister.) walks over standing between the two boys.

"Hi, yeah, sorry to interrupt, I'm just going to tase you in the balls real quick." Maya brusts out laughing as Sam tases the creepy blok, while Ethan grims, imagning the feeling.

"Don't ever put hands on my sister." throwing a small smile at her giggling sister.

"Sam," Tara spat, "are you fucking kidding me? You're stalking us now?"

Tara storms away, Maya goes and gives her Sam a hug, who returns it glad that she was safe. Neither of them saw the hated glare Ethan sent Sam's way.

Both sisters turn to leave and follow Tara out, Maya grabing Ethans hand first.

Once the group got away from the frat party, Ethan and Maya were now wearing the others head piece. Their fingers still interlaced.

"Tara, will you stop!"

Tara glanced behind her, " I cannot believe you did that! You embarrassed me and Maya!"

"Hey! Leave me out of this." She did not feel like aguing with her sisters tonight. Tara glared at her twin.

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