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"what the hell is wrong with this girl? can think all this but draw line when it comes to men WHO SAVE HER !" aria who laying on the bed with her phone. She saw this manhua   and decide to read it. all she get is headache from reading the manhua. She rolling around when she feel frustrated with the storylines...she feel like she need to go inside and fix everythings.

She like the story at first but...when she keep reject Parker but have him on her HEART. she had the audacity to ask 'did i love him ?!?!

"my lovely Winston!!! Curtis !! Harvey !! how dare YOU WOMAN! I will choke you if  i had a chance."

After done with the anger, she fall asleep with her phone still open in tab. "Winston..." she drooling while dreaming him. Dreaming of how his bicep feel while lift her up and carry her around. 

It's so cold. Where's my blanket? She mumbled while searching for it. She was very sure she doesn't have a grass inside her room?

After a moment, 'Wait... where's the blanket? Why is there grass on my bed...'

She opened her eyes and all she could see were tall trees, grass, and a river? Where is this..'There's no way I got kidnapped and they threw me here, right? Ha...ha...no way...'

Aria already have many thought inside her mind, she just decide to to walk slowly following the river and make a little make at the tree so she can recognize back the first place.

*Rustling* *Rustling* *Rustling*

"What... what... is that... where is this... why... don't be a big tiger... mom... I want boyfriends first... not die first," she mumbled while trying to find a safe place to hide. She stop at tree and look at the direction of the sound. 

When she spotted a large tiger, her legs turned to jelly. "Run, idiot," that's what she was thinking, but her legs wouldn't obey and move...

she close her eyes, 'What a beautiful day to be alive'

few moment without any sound and the next thing she heard is a sexy man voice!

"female?" the sexy voice coming from in front of her.

'huh? what is that voice..so hot!' she open her eyes and see...a WINSTON ?!... she cover her mouth when reality hit her that she been transmigrate here..the first beastman she saw is Winston!!

"female, are you hurt. don't be afraid i won't hurt you" he said again while slowly approaching her. When he see the female look scare but in reality she not afraid at all....

"I'm not female, I'm aria ! call me that" She want to hear Winston call her name with that voice...

Reborn in the beast world (beauty and the beast fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now