"I'm Shin. No need for a last name," I introduce myself.

"Shin," the Hokage repeats, trying out my name on his tongue. "You are safe here, Shin. That much I can guarantee. But please don't try to escape."

My mind flashes back to my siblings and their potential fate. "I will stay," I assure him, nodding in agreement.

"As the leader of this village, it is my duty to protect you-" he begins, but I cut him off.

"I haven't finished speaking yet," I mumble nervously, fearing punishment or anger from Naruto like I used to receive from Jigen whenever I had doubts about his decisions.

As I continue, the spiky-haired man furrows his eyebrows in concentration, listening intently. He crosses his arms and encourages me to keep talking with a gentle tone.

"I'll stay here and not cause any harm, but I want you to free my siblings."

"Siblings?" Naruto questions, his own eyebrows knitting together. "You have family in Kara?"

"I have two siblings who are currently..." I hesitate, not wanting to reveal too much information that may raise suspicion. "Being held captive in one of their bases."

"I see. While I cannot promise we can rescue them right away, I will do everything in my power to bring them back to you," Naruto replies with a reassuring smile before the spiky-haired man drags him out of the room with a shocked expression on his face.

"Although, I can not assure that I will be so kind if anything happens to Kawaki in the process."

Naruto returns to the room with a weary expression on his face. " I understand. Let's go, Shin," he says, gesturing for me to follow him. I reluctantly climb out of the hospital bed and glance down at my attire, realising I am wearing a plain white hospital gown.

"Your clothes were ruined, so I went and bought you some new ones. They should be similar in size to your previous ones. I'll be waiting outside."

He leaves again, and I suddenly realise that Kawaki is not in the same room with me. I'll have to ask the Hokage for his whereabouts or use my dojutsu to search for him.

I discarded the hospital gown and quickly changed into the clothes provided by the Hokage. The baggy white pants and black compression shirt fit well, with the pants hanging low on my waist and hips and the compression shirt snug against my body. The shoes weren't my usual style, but I didn't protest.

I scowl as I search for my jacket, which was actually more of a kimono-style garment. I pulled open the dresser drawer, hoping it would miraculously appear inside, but it wasn't there. Disappointed, I closed the drawer and opened it again, childishly hoping that it would magically reappear. A pout formed on my lips when it didn't.

With my hands shoved into the pockets of my pants, I exit the room and see the Hokage leaning against the wall across from my hospital room. His arms are crossed, and one leg is propped up against the wall. As soon as he sees me, a smile spreads across his face. He walks towards me and gestures for me to follow him.

With a bright smile, he adds, "I hope everything fits you well."

I glance around at my surroundings as I reply, "Yeah, it's fine."

"That's great," he replies with a smile, before his tone turns bashful. "I hope I didn't miss anything important." I remain silent, still wary of saying anything that could upset the leader of this village. Naruto seems to sense my unease and reassures me, "If I left anything out, please don't be afraid to tell me. You're safe here, no one will hurt you."

My voice wavers slightly as I respond, "I had a jacket before, but it got damaged in the airship crash. I've been meaning to replace it." I avoid meeting his gaze as he continues to speak to me.

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