The infected Cameraman#437 walks through the piles so of body's and toilets as he watches the carnage unfold around him, he arms his energy blaster on his arm as a few Cameramen approach him with weapons. 437 makes quick work of them as more begins to charge at him, he readies his newly upgraded parasite blaster before firing a beam of red light at the group infecting all of them in one big radius. He feels a tingling sensation on his back as he turns to see a scientist Cameraman holding an anti parasite gun, the parasite controlling 437 makes the body way a finger at the scientist before aiming his energy blaster at them. Suddenly Speakerman#723 grabs his arm and aims it at the sky causing the blast to miss the scientist, the infected Cameraman looks at his once was friend with rage while 723 did the same. TVman#658 appears on the other side of 437 and grabs his other arm making him trapped, Cameraman#423 goes in front of 437 and wraps his arms around 437's body to keep him from moving. Finally TVwoman teleports behind 437 and grabs onto the parasite with both hands and begins to pull with all her might, "AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The infected Cameraman screams in a distorted voice as he continues to struggle against his imprisonment. Even through the pain it was feeling the parasite gets an idea as he activates the jetpack 437 is wearing causing him along with everyone holding onto him fly up into the air, noticing his unwilling passengers the infected 437 begins to spin around at high speed to try and shake them off. While the others had something good to grip on Cameraman#423 wasn't so lucky as he was the first to lose grip and fall to the ground, Speakerman#723 was the next to fall as his hands slipped off. TVman#658 noticed this and let go of 437 to catch up to 723 falling through the air before hugging him and shrouding them in black fog which caused them to appear somewhere else closer to the ground. TVwoman holds on for dear life while at the same time still determined to rip out the parasite, due to being swung around at high speeds while still having a solid grip on the parasite caused more force ripping out the parasite as it was screaming in pain. An enraged infected 437 finally twisted around and grabbed onto TVwoman pulling her off his back and making her face him, "bye" a distorted voice says before dropping her making her fall through the air. As she falls through the sky she gets a message from her com-link, "get out of the strike zone, we've sent backup". Reluctantly she agrees before teleporting away to a safer yet not so far location, 437 stops spinning yet stays suspended high in the air trying to regain composure. He spots something in the distance and zooms into it to see a shining blue dot, he then notices it getting closer as the dot gets slightly bigger and more detailed. Finally in the blink of an eye and the flash of a star Cameraman#437 is hit with a tremendous impact as he he is sent flying down through the sky and crashing into the ground so hard it creates a giant crater.

437's glitchy red tinted vision returns to life as he looks around the crater he's in before standing up and dusting himself off, he cracks his back and knuckles before looking up into the sky where he was hit. Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his back as he grunts from pain and reaches for whatever hit him, he feels his hand touch something as he fully grabs it and rips it out causing more pain. He looks at what was in his hand to see a knife bow stained with oil, feeling something else in his back he pulls it out to see another knife stained in oil. He behind him to see a Speakerman but...a female? The female Speaker shouts "NOW!", 437 suddenly feels another spike of pain in his back but this time with a little more added pressure as if someone was on his back. He reaches onto his back and feels the person on him as he gets a good grip on them and launches them through the air and towards the Speakerwoman, the person he threw landed next to Speakerwoman and was revealed to be a tall, well built Speakerman coloured red and black with headphones on. "I think I *cough* weakened him a bit" the Speakerman says before yelling "YOUR TURN!", 437 aims his blaster at the Speakerman duo before being struck by the same force he was hit by in the sky causing him to spin through the air and crash back onto the ground. He gets back up angry and looks for what hit him before being hit by the force once again, and again, and again until 437 could barely even stand, Cameraman#437 was on him knees with his whole body hurting like hell. Finally he got to see the Godspeed like force that was attacking him that revealed to be his his friend plunger Cameraman back from the dead and now in what looked like a more upgraded version of the glitch toilet. Recognising his friend the plunger Cameraman said "let's get this parasite out of him as soon as fucking possible", everyone else who was around agreed with what he said as most of them wanted their friend back aswell. TVwoman stepped in front of the weak infected Cameraman and said "let's try this again" and walks around to the back of him and grabs onto the parasite latching onto its hosts neck for dear life. "OI, HANDS OFF!" Everybody hears a familiar voice yell as Camerawoman appears from nowhere and activates her turret causing everybody to run and spree in fear as one by one people were picked off by the bullets fired out of her turret. "How!? I thought I killed you!?" TVwoman shrieks as she spots her familiar rival, "you wish" Camerawoman replies as she exits her turret mode and jumps into battle landing on top of TVwoman pinning her to the floor and away from 437. Cameraman#437 suddenly gains the strength to stand up again as he activates his jetpack sending him full throttle into plunger Cameraman while he was out of his glitch toilet. He is thrown into the ground as 437 lands in front of him and puts his foot on top of him keeping him trapped under his foot, he charges up his energy blaster on his arm as he directs its aim at the Cameraman's head. "Would you look at this, back in this situation again" Camerawoman slyly says as she keeps TVwoman pinned down, "yep, exactly the same.." she replies trying to infer something before flashing Camerawoman with her orange screen again. Camerawoman seems unaffected by this as she just laughs and says "oh sorry darling I didn't mean the exact same as last time, this time I got a few more improvements" while tapping her camera screen.

TVwoman begins to start struggling as she really didn't have any other option, "fucking quit it!" Camerawoman says frustrated slapping TVwoman across the head. Camerawoman is suddenly launched into the air by a sonic boom created by Speakerwoman, she then looks to the female TV lying on the ground and offers her a hand, she takes her hand and gets onto their feet. They both look at each other before nodding their heads and looking over to Camerawoman who was rolling around on the ground in pain, TVwomans screen displays a >:( as they walk over to the hurt Camerawoman and kicks her as she's down. Meanwhile with Cameraman#437 and plunger Cameraman, 437 is about to blast the high ranked Cameraman's head off before he is once again stabbed in the back by the dark Speakerman causing him to scream in pain and fall to his knees, with plunger Cameraman now being free from under 437's foot he kicks him straight in the screen cracking it and knocking him out.  Everybody takes a deep breath and takes time to relax from what just happened as they all look at the two lying on the ground unconscious, plunger Cameraman gets to his feet and flips 437's body over so he can see the parasite latched onto his neck. Without skipping a beat plunger Cameraman grabs onto the parasite and puts all his and and frustration into his arm strength and rips the parasite clean off his kneck.

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن