Hes gone

438 9 2

Cameraman#437 and the rest of the damaged Cameramen were sent on some Camerachoppers and started heading to the almost fully built base in Kentucky forest. To get fully healed up and have a rest before being sent into more battle because Cameramen can only take so much. The medics were doing their best to patch up the Cameramen in the choppers while they were heading to their location to make sure they make it there alive.

Cameraman#437 finally reactivated and took notice of his surroundings, there was still a crack in his screen because that was only fixable with the proper tools which were in the medical station at the base. He put his hand on his head as he felt a slight sting from some sparks coming out, the medic Cameraman working on him took notice of this and just said "don't worry, your in good hands".

Cameraman#437 looks behind the medic Cameraman to see another Cameraman getting patched up, the Cameraman looks up at him and gives a thumbs up which he returns.

Just as Cameraman#437 was about to just sink in and settle down he tensed to a disgustingly familiar chant outside the chopper, and it seemed he wasn't the only one who heard it since everyone stopped what they were doing and froze for a little bit. Then one medic Cameraman just shrugged and said "maybe it was noth- before he could finish his sentence they start flying out of control from what sounded like an explosion as the windows shattered.

Everyone was thrown against a wall or the floor or even the roof as the chopper was doing out of control 360s in the air while plummeting to the ground. As metal met solid earth the chopper basically shattered on impact with a few Cameramen flying out of the chopper.

Even though it was only a few seconds it seemed like forever until Cameraman#437's systems came back online as he stumbled up and wobbled around what was left of the once was Camerachopper. The crack in his screen was bigger now so his vision was even more kabuzzled but could only see figments of things.

As he stumbled out of the wreckage he tripped over and fell out of the chopper and onto the ground, he uses what's left of his strength to push himself up while feeling immense pain in the process. He stumbles up and starts slowly walking around to get the full picture of what's going on, but when he did see what was happening he just wished he stayed deactivated. There was Skibidi toilets everywhere ripping apart Camerachoppers or chasing after Cameramen, Cameraman#437 looks to his left to see a Skibidi toilet WITH WHEELS sending it around the war zone before spotting a damaged Cameraman and zooming over to him resulting in the Cameraman to get flattened. Cameraman#437 then looks to his right to see a flaming Camerachopper falling out of the sky before exploding on impact with the ground.

This is where Cameraman#437's legs gave out as he just lands with a thud in the ground, with little strength he starts trying to pull himself across the ground with his arms to get to somewhere safe but it was no use. He looks around to see fire everywhere and Cameraman corpses decorating the field along with toilets everywhere while chanting that awful song.

He then feels a presence above him as he also sees a shadow towering above him, he hears more sounds come over and stopping around him. "Skibidi bop bop", "bop yes yes" "Skibidi Skibidi?"........"beep beep".

He then feels something clamp around his right foot as he gets dragged away somewhere. If he could scream out for help he would've but thanks to the rough landing his voice box has been completely fucked up, all that came out was the sound of static. Then it all went black.

Once he came back online he only saw darkness, he would've mistaken himself for still being offline until he heard movement in The darkness, then he heard a "Skibidi Skibidi" from the darkness aswell. His messed up vision attempted to adjust to the dark but since it was so broken it wouldn't work.

A Skibidi toilet then goes past him as 2 more come up closer to him to asses the damage. Sure the damage was severe but they were sure they could fix it or more, upgrade it. Cameraman#437 started to struggle until he realised he was being held by chains and being suspended above the air by atleast 2 feet. The toilets noticed this struggle and quickly signalled over another Skibidi toilet holding something in its mouth, once Cameraman#437 realised what it was he started struggling more than ever. He kept moving around and shaking the chains captivating him but to no effect. With no strength left he just gave up as the toilet parasite crawled up his body before latching itself to his neck, then it all went black.

Robot love (Cameraman x TV Woman)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang