chapter three

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0.3 - School Sucks for the Stupid

Wyatt Howard has never, in her seventeen years of living, liked school

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Wyatt Howard has never, in her seventeen years of living, liked school. Maybe it was because it's where she began to have insecurities or maybe it's because she's never been that great at it. Her sisters had the smarts in the family, she had the instincts and influence, though- not that she ever noticed. She passed by with a B average at her last school, which was less impressive than Lucy who had a 4.0, and Jackie who had a higher than that, but her parents never made her feel like she was dumb because they saw, even if nobody else did, the light peeking from under her bedroom door late at night while she tried to reteach the lessons to herself and they saw the tears she would hide behind her lashes when her sisters would get an academic achievement, knowing she wouldn't ever get one.

So yeah, Wyatt had several reasons to dread waking up the next morning for school. It's what kept her up late the night before and woke her up early the morning of.

Jackie was still asleep when she moved through the room, pulling out her favorite pink jeans and styling them with a nice shirt, her backpack was a simple grey that matched everything and she styled it all with rose gold jewelry. She planned to make some kind of subtle statement of arrival.

Her normally form-fitting white shirt seemed a size too big but with a bit of tucking and the use of a belt, she fixed it and moved on to her makeup. Mascara, concealer, blush, and of course her favorite Dior lip gloss. She left the room without Jackie even stirring, not forgetting to spritz a bit of Chanel perfume on her neck and wrists like Lucy taught.

By the time she finally got downstairs, she realized Katherine was awake making breakfast. With a satisfied hum at the smell, she made herself into the kitchen quietly, sitting on a stool by the island. Finally, Katherine noticed with a startled jump.

"Wyatt! I never saw you come in," she gasped placing a hand over her heart. Immediately a grin spread over her face as she came up to the countertop. "You look great for your first day."

Wyatt grinned politely and looked down at her outfit, "Thank you- I was hoping to fit in."

Katherine's head bobbed to the side as if to say oh, really, the several calls that Angelica spent just talking about Wyatt rang a bell in her head. In the words of her friend, Wyatt was born to stand out, her friend also mentioned that Wyatt tried to force herself to blend in. "Well, Wyatt, I think today will be a good day for you."

"I love your optimism," Wyatt sighed, dropping her chin to her palm tiredly.

When Katherine noticed Wyatt made no move for anything breakfast-wise and thought twice before saying anything upon seeing one of her sons appear behind her.

Xanax, also known as Alprazolam, typically takes thirty minutes to work its calming ways. Wyatt had known this for months now and knew how to plan accordingly, it's why the pill was taken first thing each day she woke up because, by the time she got ready and got to a mode of transportation, she'd be at ease. She even had a stopwatch to be sure she'd passed the twenty-eight-minute mark- the quickest the effects began to set through the past.

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