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After Anuj's big blunder, he tries to talk to Anupama and tries to explain his situation to her, but all his efforts go in vain; Anupama doesn't listen to his plea. She was not hurt that he told her that she didn't have any rights over him; she was hurt because he didn't even think of her as his friend. Friends do have rights over each other. Malvika was highly upset with Anuj's behavior, and on the other side, GK was disappointed; he thought out of all people, Anuj wouldn't have said that word.


GK: Anuj, if Anupama doesn't have any right over you, then why did you love her for 26 years? You would have moved on way before. I know what you said was out of anger, but she got hurt. You didn't even give her the right to be a friend. When one friend is on the wrong path, the other friend has every right to tell them that they are wrong.

Anuj- GK, I know whatever I did was wrong; I didn't mean to say that but in anger I did, and I am extremely guilty about that. Please give me some idea of what I should do to make up for Anu.

Do what she told you to do: arrange Mukku's god bharai in our home and invite everyone. And now you decide what is more important to you, Anupama or your ego or anger.

Anuj was in deep thought because, right now, everyone is upset or angry with him. Then, after some thought, he called Varun and asked for his help.


Anuj came to their apartment to invite them for GK's birthday. He didn't tell them that it's going to Mukku's god bharai ceremony too. In all the chaos, he didn't forget Gk's birthday. He knows if he tells them about her ceremony, they won't come, so he thought, Let's combine both functions, and he knows how much you respect Gk. Anupama didn't look at him; she just nodded her head. Kabir was internally happy because he knows how much Anupama was hurt and it's the right way to mend their broken relationship.


For GK's birthday, everyone gathers at Anuj's place, including Bapuji, Pakhi, and Samar. Devika and Varun came early to help Anuj with the preparation. Anuj also invited Kanta Maa and Bhavesh Bhai. Anupama, mukku, and kabir also come after sometimes. Kabir took Malvika in bridal style and entered Anuj's place. Seeing them makes everyone cheer. Anupama was confused, but when she saw the arrangements of God Bharai, she got emotional. After two days, she finally looked at Anuj. Anuj took a sigh of relief when he saw her smiling. Anuj signaled to her that he wanted to talk to her privately, and she signaled to him that they would talk later.

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