•𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞•

Start from the beginning

At Ramshackle Dorm...

The four of them entered the deserted and empty courtyard of the hostel as Crowley pushed open a rusty gate that moaned with an ear-piercing sound. With a tiny push, Wriothesley just laid a hand on a fallen tree, and the tree toppled, roots and all. An old, dilapidated fountain collapsed and split under Neuvillette's gloved fingers, breaking at light pressure and a simple touch. The sight made Neuvillette's face grimace. Aether, on the other hand, simply saw the lifeless leaves and twigs strewn around the dry, bumpy ground of the front yard. It was obvious that the earth was out of balance and that no signs of life could be seen.

Soon their attention went to the very main dormitory that looked like it came straight out of a horror film. " ....wait, uh... you want us to stay...here?" Aether asked with uncertainty.

"This is... ahem, too much character if you ask me..." Neuvillette added to the comment.

"Isn't it delightful?" Crowley said with a smile and pushing the three of them up the creaking old wooden front stairs. "Right, scoot inside now. There you go."

Inside the old abandoned lounge, water trickled down from the roof that the small plip plop of the water adds to the eerie atmosphere the dorm was giving. "This should keep the elements at bay for the time being." Crowley explained as neither Aether, Neuvillette or Wriothesley make an effort to move from this point. "Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to busy yourselves. But don't let me catch you three wandering the campus! Ta!" Without another word, the headmage leaves the three of them be and closes the door behind him. 

"Well.... what now?" Wriothesley finally broke the silence as Neuvillette thinks for a moment. "Looks like this is our temporary home until Crowley can get us home... so, any ideas you two?" 

Neuvillette looks down one of the hallways and looked up the second floor of the dorm. "...I will have a look around the rooms upstairs... If we are to stay here, we should at least get rooms we prefer... and fix them." Neuvillette suggested.

"Good eye as ever Monsieur Neuvillette," Wriothesley nodded. "I'll tag along with you... I think all rooms are suppose to be on the second floor... Aether, will you be fine on your own?" He asked and looked down at Aether.

"I should be fine," Aether said and looked around the ruined lounge. "I could probably start fixing simple furniture like... that table and chair." He said and pointed to the chair and table near the broken window.

"Not a bad start to get this place back on its feet." Wriothesley said. "Oh, which reminds me, we should start making a blueprint too... I know we might just be staying here but we should at least fix this dorm up no? As a thank you gift for the Headmage's help." He and Neuvillette began walking up the creaking stairs as their own conversation faded away  once they were out of earshot.

Aether was now left alone standing as he walked about the lounge and careful not to step on the holes broken on the old floor board. "Ugh... it s like a desolated snowscape... only with dust.." He commented and began to push a bit on old furniture to move out of the way. just touching them alone, he can feel the amount of dust left on top of them. "I don't even have a clean place to sit..." He mumbled and finally got the furniture in a spot he wanted and removed the dusty white cloth that covered the couch. He coughed a bit at the dust that flew in the air as he folded the cloth and puts it to the side neatly. 

He continued to clean up the lounge in his best ability... if he had his Anemo element, he could blow all of the dust up in seconds... if he had hydro as well, he can simply finger gun down any stains off the walls... Just as his thoughts were lost in space, he felt a trickle of water land on his forehead... and then another... and another... Aether looked up and moved to the side from the water droplet coming from an open roof. "Oh.. looks like it started raining." He said as he looked around and found an old rusty and dented bucket. He picked it up and placed it right under where the water dropped down.  

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