Im on social media you boomer

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30 minutes into the movie Jarvis spoke "Steve Rogers has been reported by Alyssa (front desk lady) to be coming up the elevator now.

"Alright" Bill responded the grandma was dying and Bill was still smiling sadly.

The three then heard the elevator ding open "Hello Steve Rogers!" Tony invites first "hello Tony" Steve responds "Natasha" she gives him a nod of approval "Hello Rogers" Bill jokingly gives Americas sweetheart a salute

"Hello Cypher how had you day been going" Rogers asked "not so good my cat died" "oh no that's horrible" "you know that's a lie right I don't have a cat I'm a dog person" Bill smiles a bit more genuinely this time

Tony interrupts and decides to show Rogers his room himself as the two men left Natasha and Bill chatted about various things that all connected for some reason from adventure time to Steven universe then the civil war

After lunch Bill was scrolling on instagram and posted a story about Captain America it wasn't to long before the news did a story on it.

After a while though Bill got bored so he decided to go the training room Bill unbuttoned his collar button and took off his knitted vest before entering 

In the training room was a bar around halfway in the room like dead centre. Centre in hight and it ran across the whole room Bill took off his shoes before teleporting on the pole Bill was balancing on the pole before deciding to use it as a uneven bar

He started with a 360 circle with his hip after a few of those Bill in his eyes made another pole just further up then the one the was on. The blue pole seemed to glimmer in the sun

Bill started to transition to grab it but the door swung open and he lost his consecration and missed in a split second he covered 5cm from where he was with a barrier.

What people didn't know about barriers in particular was that they slowly shrink. He couldn't get rid of them right away they just go away on their own.

Bill formed a wide stair case and started making his way down to yell at Tony "Tony! I swear if your here just to mess oh it's just Rogers"

Bill was smiling widely "Hello Rogers how are you doing this lovely evening finished unpacking?"

Steve shifted to his left leg "yes I came here to just train but it looked like you were busy sorry if I disturbed you"

"It's okay I don't mind" Bill smiled "Bill are you lying?"


"It's just that you smile a lot more then you do when you say things that are obvious lies"

"It's just a bad habit"

It got quite between the two of them "you could train in just going to be on my phone"

Bill teleported to grab his head phone then started scrolling though instagram as he sat down

Rogers stared at him more or less his phone

"You know it's bad manners to look at someone's phone over there shoulder right?" Bill turned around to face the taller man

"It is?" Rogers asks taking out a notepad and writing it down "yes! it's like looking though someone's search history"

"Is that improper to?" Rogers questions "yes because your search history says a lot about you as a person and what your like as a person without consequences"

Rogers writes down this in his notepad before putting it away "I am going to train with the punching bag" "okay don't mind me"

After a few minutes Bill jumped because of a loud noise and that's saying a lot because his headphones wear noise cancelling

He saw the punching bag in the ground as rogers put another punching bag on the hook

Bill took a video of him abusing the punching bag Bill asked Rogers if he could post it online "uh sure" "is that a yes" "yes" "okay"

Bill posted it on Tik Tok with the caption: I would let him beat me any day 😜 comments responding to the caption were varied from "Same girl" to "ayo!?"

After a while of this, Rogers eventually came up and took out his phone before sitting next to him

Roger's opened his mouth to speak "Tony told me to get more with the times and download a social media application I have no idea which are them and you seem t"

"You need me to help! That great you seem like a Facebook guy because you're old but you should get a more trendy app!"

"So which one should I download?" "Instagram of course only because I think twitters to wild with soccer moms and horny people and tik tok is to young for you"

Steve then took out his phone only for Bill to realize that it was a SAMSUNG phone sadly. "Oh you have a Samsung there there it will be okay" Bill patted Steve's back with each there he said

"Is having a Samsung bad?"



"It is bad and apples better period"


"Never mind go to..." "google play and download instagram"

Bill and Steve talked about things that they had in common and things Bill one sidlingly had a debate with

Bill even caught himself having fun with Steve

My name is Bill Cypher and today was a terrible day

Next Chapter: April 5

I am Not Okay.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن