Boxer Pt. 2

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The night unfolded with shared stories, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie that transformed the apartment into a refuge of friendship. As the clock approached the early hours of the morning, the trio settled into makeshift sleeping arrangements.

Changbin, mindful of his injury, moved carefully, the lower back brace a constant reminder of the events in the underground ring. Chan, ever attentive, joined him on the king-size bed, both opting for a night of shared rest. Minho, considerate of the limited space, took the couch, arranging himself for a night of sleep.

The apartment, now quiet except for the hushed sounds of the night, reflected the bond of friendship that had weathered the unexpected turns of life. In the dim light, the trio found a momentary respite from the challenges that had brought them together.

As the night waned and the first rays of morning light peeked through the curtains, Changbin stirred awake. The initial stiffness from the previous night's injury eased with the support of the brace. Glancing at Chan, who was still peacefully asleep beside him, Changbin carefully extricated himself from the bed, not wanting to disturb his friend's rest.

Minho, too, began to stir on the couch, and as the trio found themselves gradually awakening, the morning held a quiet sense of unity. Changbin, wearing the brace with a sense of determination, moved towards the small kitchen area, intending to make a pot of coffee for the early risers.

Chan, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, joined Changbin in the kitchen, their shared routine from countless mornings bringing a sense of normalcy to the unique circumstances. Minho, having shifted from the couch, joined them, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air.

In the shared space of the morning, the trio, each nursing the remnants of sleep, found solace in the quiet companionship that had defined their night. The apartment, with its scattered backpacks and makeshift sleeping arrangements, stood as a testament to the enduring strength of their friendship—a bond that had weathered both planned and unplanned adventures.

As the aroma of coffee filled the kitchen, Changbin, Chan, and Minho gathered around the small table, their makeshift morning ritual beginning to take shape. The previous night's laughter and shared stories had left a lasting imprint, and the trio embraced the quiet camaraderie of the early morning.

Changbin, despite the discomfort in his lower back, moved with a determined grace as he prepared breakfast for his friends. Chan and Minho, aware of Changbin's injury, offered assistance, creating a collaborative effort in the modest kitchen space.

"So, any plans for the day?" Minho asked, sipping his coffee as he leaned against the counter.

Changbin, stirring a pot on the stove, considered the question. "I was thinking of taking it easy, maybe catching up on a show or watching a movie. Recovery mode, you know?"

Chan nodded in agreement, "Sounds like a plan. We can keep you company, maybe make this unexpected adventure a bit longer."

The trio, seated around the table with steaming mugs in hand, began to discuss potential activities for the day. From easygoing movie marathons to reminiscing about shared memories, the morning unfolded with a sense of leisure and camaraderie.

As the hours passed, the apartment became a hub of shared experiences, the laughter and conversation weaving a tapestry of friendship that transcended the challenges of the previous night. In the heart of their impromptu morning, Changbin, Chan, and Minho discovered the beauty of unplanned moments—a reminder that, sometimes, the best adventures are the ones you stumble upon in the company of true friends.

As the day unfolded, Changbin's attempts to embrace a sense of normalcy were hindered by persistent discomfort. The pins and needles in his legs, accompanied by a sharp soreness in his back, cast a shadow over what was meant to be a day of recovery. At times, he found himself struggling to walk, the pain a constant reminder of the toll taken by the illegal move in the underground fight.

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