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october 7

"we practiced. it'll go fine!" harry says and i groan walking into slughorns classroom. today we're perfecting and finishing off Amortentia before our testing next week.

"but i didn't smell anything harry" i sigh and he pats me on the head, "maybe you need some inspiration" he grins and pushes his glasses further up his nose.

"we've tried everything harry" i shake my head, "i'm hopeless" i say flopping on the chair and my books falling onto the table.

"you're not hopeless josie, i think you're just not allowing yourself to smell what or who you love" harry says sitting in the seat next to me, "you need to open your mind" he says and i look over at him like he has a dragon perched on his head.

"what the bloody hell are you on about harry?" i ask and he chuckles.

"okay! todays the last day for practicing before we test on friday which is 3 days away so. up up everyone to the stations, collect all the proper ingredients" slughorn says as we all rush to the cabinets getting what we need.

a hand grips my waist for a second and there's a soft, "excuse me" in my ear, before i can respond draco is gone back over to the station with pansy. i glare at the back of her head, not even meaning to.

"josie! i got our stuff" harry smiles and i nod following him back to our area.

"you first." i tell him as he starts adding stuff in and mumbling of words.

it takes a few minutes but then goes, "treacle tart... and .. and something.. flowery?" he questions because that part was new. my eyes widen and i look up to him.

"harry do you have a lover and haven't told me about her?" i ask and he shakes his head, to be fair he looks just as confused as i do.

"no not.. not at all.." he says and scratches the back of his head.

"...sea salt..and..honey?" i head draco's words from across the room and at first my breath hitches.. me?

"well i do love honey" pansy says and he stiffens a smile at her and oh.. oh. pansys family does live near a beach also..

"go on josie, you got this" harry says and i nod mixing the potion together and repeating the words. at first there's nothing.

i roll my eyes and start saying the words again, and then there's... mint.. it's faint but it's there, "mint" i say and harry smiles

"you did it!" he says and wraps me into a hug, i smile and i see draco staring from afar. glaring, likes he's about to come over and rip his limbs off.

"by friday it'll be much stronger and maybe another scent!" he says and i nod, "i hope so" i say and he looks at me for a moment, "what changed? what triggered it?" he asks.

i frown for a moment, "i'm not.. sure.." i say as slughorn gives us an approving nod and moves onto the next table. the class finishes up rather quickly as everyone seemed to atleast get one or two scents.

"good job everybody! see you all friday, again, remember what i said! find what triggers your love for someone or something and to accept it! looking forward to the gossip" slughorn waves his hand at us shooing us out of the room.

a giggle escapes my lips at his words and i follow harry out of the class.

"figgins!" a voice says and i turn around to see draco walking up to me.

"malfoy?" i say is name, slowly. his face makes a look then shakes it off, "blaise wants you to come help him with class work" i nod and look back to harry, "see you later" he nods and waves goodbye and shoots draco a glare.

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