May I?

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Now it was night time, and the three decided to camp for the night. Zara wasn't really tired yet, so she sat up to look at her surroundings, Branch was already trying to fall asleep, and Poppy was looking up, worried for her friends.

Then she took out a photo of apparently Creek, before expanding it showing more pictures of Satin and Chenille on the left, and Fuzzbert and Smidge on the right. Then expanding it upwards to show photos of Guy Diamond, Biggie, and DJ. And finally pulling up a picture of Cooper.

"So special..."

Poppy said, looking at all the photos.

"Good night, Cooper. Good night, Smidge. Good night, Fuzzbert. Good night, Satin. Good night, Chenille. Good night, Biggie. Good nighr, DJ. Good night, Guy Diamond."

She said, to every picture, then chuckling as she got to the last person.

"Good night, Creek. Boop!"

She said, booping Creek's picture on the nose.

"And good night, Poppy."

Branch said, turning a bit to glance at Poppy, before turning over again to try and sleep. Zara sighed.

"Good night to you, too, Branch. Good night to you as well, Poppy."

Zara said, smiling a bit. Then she laid down to actually try and sleep. Poppy also laid back, lookingup at the sky. Then her hug time bracelet chimed, and she sat up, looking at her bracelet, then at Zara and Branch.

"Don't even think about it."

Branch stopped her before she could even say or do anything. Zara sat up and kneeled down though, looking at Poppy. Then she held her arms out, and Poppy smiled, accepting the hug. Then when they backed away, Poppy realized Zara didn't have a hug time bracelet.

"Hey.. you don't have a hug time bracelet?"

Poppy said, and Zara turned to face at her.

"Oh, yeah... I decided not to wear mine, it's just kinda sitting in my room."

Zara explained, sitting down on her sleeping bag again.

"Oh... why don't you wanna wear it?"

Poppy asked, she had an idea why but she didn't wanna assume, and she was curious, too.

"It's... complicated. I'd rather not get into the details."

Zara said, bringing the blanket over her again. Poppy stayed silent, which Zara noticed.

"Oh, no, no, no! It's not because of him, trust me. It's... just difficult to explain it."

Zara reassured in case Poppy thought it was because of Branch.

"But anyway, good night."

Zara laid down again, covering herself with her blanket. Poppy looked up into the sky, still sitting down, knees to her chest.

"Stars shining bright above you.."

Poppy started singing.

"Really? Seriously? More singing?"

Branch said, turning around to face Poppy.

"Yes, seriously, singing helps me relax."

Poppy said, Zara was still laying down, looking at Branch and then at Poppy.

"Well, I can agree with that."

Zara whispered, recieving a glare from Branch, and she just sat up, holding her hands up in defence.

"Maybe you ought to try it."

Poppy said, bringing her blanket over her legs.

"I don't sing, and I don't relax. This is the way I am, and I like it. I also like a little silence."

He said, slowly leaning back down and then turning over, bringing his blanket over him. Poppy turned to look at Zara, but she just shrugged and laid back down. But then, Poppy decided to try something.

Next thing the two siblings knew, they heard a ukelele playing. Then they both sat up to see Poppy playing a ukelele.

(Song: The Sound of Silence, sung by Anna Kendrick)

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Poppy started singing, walking backwards to an area as plants started joining her in singing.

I've come to talk with you again

Zara sat beside Branch to watch the show.


They turned to look at a tiny Spider that floated down by a small web.

Because a vision softly creeping

A few tiny creatures joined the performance, providing more background notes. The spider meanwhile started to climb up Branch's arm, Zara was focused on the spider, but Branch was focused on the performance as he flicked the spider away, and Zara watched it as it flew away in the direction it was flicked.

Left it's seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

More creatures and plants joined Poppy in singing, either as backup singers or providing the tune and chords.

Still remains

Within the sound...

Of silence.

And with that, the performance ended, and the creatures and plants retreated back into the darkness, to continue whatever they were doing. Zara silently clapped, she actually enjoyed it. Branch then stood up.

"May I?"

Poppy was shocked at Branch's questiom, but happily gave him her ukelele, but Zara knew what was going to happen, and didn't even bother. And Branch threw it into the fire, as the strings snapped and he laid back down, pulling the blanket over him. Zara laid back down as well. Poppy only looked at the fire, shocked and confused on what just happened.


Less words for now, but bear with me here I'm writing this at like... past midnight while I still have motivation.

But anyways, bye bye.

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