07. Confrontation

Start from the beginning

So...in half a year or so? Because that's how long it takes to get to India. A year if you count the journey back.

Sometimes, she really, really regretted letting her brother teach her maths. And it wasn't the only thing she regretted. Right now, she lamented letting Lilly take charge of her disguise. After her disastrous experience as a crossdressing army volunteer, Adaira had thought that, maybe, she herself wasn't good at coming up with disguises. Surely, Lilly, who had gotten away with her own disguise for several years in succession, would be better at it, right?


A veiled widow in mourning who wouldn't speak? Really? As if that would ever work!

"Jokes aside, though, she is not dumb, in any sense of the word," Lilly continued, and Adaira could only stand there and listen. "But there is a reason she has not spoken up yet. In fact, it is this reason why I think she is uniquely qualified to be your employee."

"Indeed? And what, pray, is that reason?"

"In remembrance of her dear departed husband," came Lilly's answer in a faux-sad tone, "she has taken a vow of silence."

Adaira closed her eyes.

Damn you Lilly and your idiotic schemes!

Any moment now, her brother was going to see through this ridiculous ruse and tear off her veil. Any moment now. Any moment no—

"Indeed? How pleasant. Accepted."

Adaira's eyes shot open.

"She has not taken a vow of poverty as well, perchance?" came his voice again, sounding slightly hopeful.

"I don't know. Let's ask her."

Adaira had the distinct feeling of two enquiring pairs of eyes looking at her, one of them far too mirthful for her liking. Luckily, she had the presence of mind to nod her veiled head.

"Oh my! You were right, darling!"

"Hm. Adequate. That will save wages. You can consider yourself hired, Mrs..."

"Wagoner," Lilly piped up, making Adaira nearly choke on her own spit. "Mrs Wagoner."

"Indeed? Well, you are hired, Mrs Wagoner. I shall leave the rest of the necessary arrangements in my wife's hands."

"Oh? Giving up the chance to intimidate a prospective employee? This isn't like you, darling."

"I still have to check the latest reports from my agents in India. Obtaining passage has proven more challenging than expected."

And without further ado, he stalked out of the room.

Adaira's shoulders sagged—and, a moment later, she reached out to whack Lilly over the head. Unfortunately, due to the veil, she could hardly see anything and only hit her sister-in-law's shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Wagoner?" Adaira replied, her voice utterly deadpan. "Really?"

Somehow, even through the veil, she could see the other woman's cheeky grin. "Well, I could hardly say 'Carter' now, could I? That would have been a little too on the nose."

"How about I give you something on the nose? My fist, for example!"

"Now, now. Is that any way to thank your sister-in-law?"

"No. But then again, I'm not your sister-in-law at the moment, am I?" Adaira cracked her knuckles. "In fact, I've been reliably informed that I'm the grim reaper."

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