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So I was looking at each kings height because someone brought it up and

I thought Satan was short but since devils are taller than humans I thought he was at least 6ft tall

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I thought Satan was short but since devils are taller than humans I thought he was at least 6ft tall.... He's 5"10... he's like an inch or two taller than me💀 we'd really see eye to eye.

Beelzebub is 6"2 you'd be surprised how many freshman's in high school are this tall

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Beelzebub is 6"2 you'd be surprised how many freshman's in high school are this tall.

Beelzebub is 6"2 you'd be surprised how many freshman's in high school are this tall

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Then Leviathan is 6"1

And than Mammon is 6"5

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And than Mammon is 6"5. I deadass thought this man was at least 7ft tall.

I can't really find any info on how tall the angels are, but I heard they are supposed to be super tall, especially Micheal.

I can't really find any info on how tall the angels are, but I heard they are supposed to be super tall, especially Micheal

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What in Hell is Bad Memes Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora