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Keys and Heart-Shaped Kisses

Haunt me like George Roux's "Spirit."
Play the notes so beautifully that I'll disassociate
From whatever is keeping me in this realm,
Let me disregard the fact that you're not even really there.

Your mien is a myth and you save me with your kisses.
Knock on my French doors when I'm blue and jaded,
And I'll take photographs as I watch you fading.
In my daydreams, I'll keep you, dear, my sweet Sai.

Your fancy white dress sways with the breeze graciously;
I shiver not on the account of the cold, but on the thought
Of how fortunate I am to be witnessing an affair
That transcends substantiality and fantasy.

If I'm not being impudent, I ask of you,
Take me to places you wanted to go erstwhile
Your precious life was taken unfairly, too soon and too quickly.
You and I, let's vanish from this world completely.

For Sai, my girl. I loved you with my heart and I'll love you with my soul.

Bad Poetry, Thoughts, n CrapsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon