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I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing on my nightstand. I picked it up and saw that Matt was calling me, so I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey!" He responded excitedly.

"What did you need?" I questioned.

"Me and the guys were gonna meet up at the ball diamond later and I wanted to see if you would like to join us," he explained.

"Yeah sure," I agreed.

"Alright. We were planning on meeting around 3:00 and then maybe hitting the bar afterwards," he informed.

"Alright. See you then," I replied.

"See you later," he replied.

I hung up my phone and set it back down on my nightstand before getting out of bed. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes. I picked out a pair of bleached black jean shorts with rips in the thighs and a sleeveless Soundgarden shirt. I walked to my bathroom and turned the shower on.

Once the water was warm enough, I threw my dirty clothes into the laundry hamper and stepped into the shower. I let the water flow down my back, flattening my hair as it did so. I was in there for a good 20-25 minutes before I got out. I put on the clothes I had picked out and brushed my hair up into a ponytail.

I grabbed my keys and my mitt on the way out and walked to my truck. I started it and pulled out of my parking spot, starting to head in the direction of the ball fields. I put in a Pearl Jam cd and jammed out while I made my way.

I pulled into a spot by the field, grabbed my mitt, hopped out of my truck, and made my way to the field. I knew everyone who was there, except for two guys.

"Axl!" Matt called as he waved me over.

I walked over to him and stood next to him.

"This is Jason and Matt Berry," he said as he pointed at them.

They both extended their hands for me to shake.

"Axl," I nodded as I shook their hands.

"Like Axl Rose?" Jason asked.

"Yeah," I nodded.

He nodded back and walked over to where everyone else was standing. I knew we were obviously playing for fun considering that there was only 8 of us. I joined the guys where they were deciding who would be captains.

They made their decision and Matt and Brian were team captains. Oh, boy. This will be fun.

"I'll take Jason," Matt said as he pointed at him.

"Short shit, you're with me," Brian said as he waved him over, earning the finger from Johnny.

"I want Jimmy," Matt said with a smile on his face.

"I'll take Axl," Brian said as he pointed at me.

I was zoned out so I didn't hear him.

"Axl!" Matt shouted, earning my attention.

I snapped my head up and looked at him.

"You're on Brian's team," he said as he pointed to him.

"Oh," I said as I walked over.

Matt laughed and shook his head.

"I'll take MB," Matt said as he pointed at Matt B.

"That means Zack, you're over here," Brian said as he nodded him over.

Zack made his way over and we started to talk about who's going where. I was going to catch, Zack was going to pitch, and Brian and Johnny were going to play outfield. We got into our positions and waited on the other team to come up with a line up. We were playing where everyone bats once and then we switch.

Jason was the first to bat. He stepped into the back and waited for Zack to pitch to him. He wound up and threw the first pitch, right down the middle. Jason swung and popped it up. He dropped the bat and began to run as I popped out of my stance. I got under the ball and caught it. I tossed it back to Zack as Jason made his way back to dugout.

The next to bat was Matt. He stepped into the box, towering over me. As Zack threw the next pitch, Matt swung and bombed it, right into Brian's glove. He threw the ball back to Zack and waited for the next batter to step in the box.

Next was Jimmy. He walked up to the plate and waited for his pitch. Zack threw it and Jimmy hit a ground ball. Zack stopped it and waited for the last batter.

Last but not least, was MB. Zack threw the pitch and he bombed it to the fence. He smiled as he ran around the bases.

As Zack got the ball back, he set it down on the mound and made his way over to our dugout. When everyone was back, we decided our line up.

Zack was up first. He stepped into the box and waited for Matt to pitch to him. He threw the ball and Zack popped it up, watching as Matt caught it.

Johnny was next. He stepped up to the plate and waited for his pitch. His pitch went right down the middle and he hit it to dead center field. As small as he is, he's pretty strong.

Brian was third. He walked up like it was nothing and then popped it up to MB, who was catching.

I was last. I grabbed Matt's bat and walked up to the plate, waiting for him to pitch it. He threw it right down the middle. I swung as hard as I could and watched as it flew over the fence. I smiled as I ran around the bases, getting high fives from everyone as I stepped on home.

We only played two more innings before we stopped.

"Hey Axl!" Matt shouted as I was walking back to my truck.

"Yeah?" I asked as I whipped my head around to see him.

"You wanna join us at the bar?" He asked.

"Sure," I agreed.

"Alright. I'll see you there," he said as he walked away.

I nodded and got in my truck. I turned it on and resumed my Pearl Jam cd as I started to drive towards the bar. I pulled into a spot next to Matt's car and got out, locking my truck as I made my way into the bar.

I opened the door and saw the guys sitting at the bar. I walked over and sat next to Matt, leaving an empty seat on my left. I ordered my drink and started to talk with the guys for a bit.

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