Childe goads him a little, dragging his fingertips over the length of Zhongli's arm. "Already so lost that you can't keep a grip on yourself?"

"You jest," he says, nipping at the skin there, his teeth just barely sinking into Childe's skin, "but you have no idea what it is that I see. That I smell." Zhongli presses his nose against Childe's sweaty nape, inhaling deeply. "Ajax," he says, his lips curling around his name, folding it in the deep timbre of his, "you are divine."

Oh, that does things to him. Pleasure settles in Childe's gut and his cock stiffens fully just at the sound of Zhongli's voice in his ear. His breath is warm against his neck. His teeth are a little sharp as they nip at his jaw. Zhongli spreads his hands over Childe's chest, tugging at the harness, his nipples, and the scars on his skin.

Childe hasn't even removed his gloves, he's so desperate to get off. He hisses as he pulls his trousers down a bit, freeing his dick, moaning the moment he gets a hand around it.

"Touching yourself?" Zhongli shifts behind him, settling his chin against Childe's shoulder to watch as he jerks himself off. Which does things for him too, stinging heat striking down his spine with a shudder.

Childe works himself quickly and efficiently, Hydro sprouting in his palm to slick the way. "Gods," he mutters softly when Zhongli's hand takes him by the elbow, holding it gently.

"Eager," muses Zhongli, squeezing at Childe's pec with his other hand. "I'm right here and you'd rather get yourself off."

"I'm—no, that's not—" But Childe can't deny that his hand does wonders as he grips himself tightly. He huffs, groaning at the slick glide of his palm across the tip of his cock.

"Ajax," says Zhongli then, sliding his hand down the length of Childe's forearms. The smooth leather of his gloves raises gooseflesh. It is quiet, save for the squelching of Childe's hand against his dick, and his soft, stuttering moans.

"Ajax," repeats Zhongli, this time closer to his ear, a whisper for him alone even though they're in the solitude of their home. He's hard too, his erection pressed tightly against Childe's back, twitching. "Slowly." Zhongli presses his hand against the back of Childe's palm to still it. "Like this," he says next, pulling it away entirely before his other hand drops to wrap around Childe's length.


"Shh, let me."

Childe does. He sinks back against him, eyes slipping closed as he melts at the touch. Zhongli is methodical in the way that he stokes him, his grip loose and slick, but slow and steady. It holds pace and builds pleasure, but it's just barely not enough, which makes Childe whimper softly.

"Come on," he says, "I'm—"

"Too restless. Settle and let me take care of you."

Easier said than done. Childe feels like he's near the edge of a cliff, just about to teeter off. Zhongli's solid presence lulls him, heat spreading in his belly as he kisses the spot just underneath Childe's ear.

"This is what I meant by divine, you know." Zhongli has his face pressed against his nape again, nuzzling his sweaty hair with the tip of his nose. "Everything about you, but particularly the way that you respond. So quickly near the end and we've barely begun."

"It's because—oh, shit, Zhongli." Childe bites at his lip when Zhongli squeezes his cock tighter. He still strokes him at a grueling, bitterly slow pace, but Childe's cock twitches with every drag of the leather across the sensitive crown.

"Yes, like that." Zhongli sounds so warm, so full of love. But also debauched; his breathing is heavy and the room swirls with Geo. Even his grip has lost its cadence, his fingers moving in an uneven grasp.

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