We just said goodbye to Sam. Steve said he was going to pull the car around and told me to meet him outside. While he was gone, I changed into some clothes that Nat had dropped off yesterday. I had her bring me some of the tops with a high neckline. I put on a blue and white top with some denim shorts. This shirt came up just enough to cover up my stitches.

Once I got in the car we leave for the airport. When we got to there, we were escorted by some of the people working there to the jet. During the ride Steve and I spoke a little bit, but I slept for most of it.

Once we landed at the compound, we both grab our things and get off. I didn't even get two feet out of the jet before a see a blue mist moving towards me then being embraced into a hug by Pietro. I smile at the welcome and return the hug. We both look over his shoulder to see Wanda, my mom and dad rushing out towards us. "They're too slow" he says, causing me to laugh. Wanda pushes her brother out of the way to give me an even tighter hug. "I missed you Y/N." she says. "I missed you too!"

"Y/N/N!" my mom says outreaching her arms for a hug. "Momma!" I practically jump into her arms, but quickly regret my decision. I gasp.


I don't need to be moving that fast because of my stitches. I don't think any of them noticed, except for Cap of course. He gives me a look, but thankfully doesn't say anything. I hear the twins and my dad greet Steve while my mom hugs me. "Share" My dad says in a whiny tone towards my mother. She puts her hands on my shoulders and gives them a little squeeze. "I missed you so much" she said with a huge smile on her face. "I missed you!" She backs up allowing Tony to give me a hug. He looks up from his watch "Finally" I playfully roll my eyes and he gives me a hug.

After we all exchange 'hellos' we went inside. I saw Vision on the couch reading something but looks up when he senses people. "Y/N Stark. Captain Rogers. Glad to see you both again." He smiles. Steve nods "Vision." He says before walking off, probably to his room. "Hi Vision" I smile, and he goes back to reading. "Hey Wanda, Pietro do you wanna hangout in my room? We could watch a movie?" I ask. "Of course!" Wanda says. "When would I ever say no?" Pietro replies I laugh, and we walk to my room.

I open the door and it's just like I remember. No one's touched anything, it's exactly how I left it. Wanda shuts the door behind her and her and Pietro exchange looks. I furrow my brows at them. "Sooo we want to about this mission. The media said you almost died." Wanda says.

"The media exaggerates things" I say simply "Yes but you and the captain had to fight the Winter Soldier, right?" Pietro has a serious look on his face. "Um, yes. Yeah, we did... why?" I question while looking for a movie in one of my bins. "No-" He starts.

"Y/N! 'They exaggerate' really? Your injuries aren't minor!" She suddenly blurts. "Wha- you? Why did you read my mind?"

"Because I know you and I wanted to know what happened!" she exclaims gently moving me to my bed. While we both sit a very confused Pietro sits on the edge of my bed. "What do you mean? I was going to tell you about the mission." I look between her and Pietro.

"Yes, but you would've left out the 'I got my throat slit oh and I also got shot in the back-" Pietro shoots up from his seat "You what?!" The other twin gives an irritated sigh "Oh shush P. Just let me finish then ask questions."

He glares at her, and she takes a deep breath. "As I was saying. You always say you're alright because you don't want people to worry, but that makes me worry more Y/N. You need to tell people when something isn't right." She puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I know... I just didn't want, well yeah exactly what you said. Just-just please don't tell anyone about it. Especially my dad. If he finds out he won't let me leave the compound until The Winter Soldier is locked up or dead." I plead. "He's going to find out eventually." She replies. "Please" I put my hands together in a begging way.

"We won't tell him if you tell us everything that happened, not just what my sister can pick from your brain." Wanda raises an eyebrow at her brother "You're speaking for me now?" He nods and sits back down. "Now go on" He looks at me.

I tell them everything and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I give them every detail from when Fury got shot to Bucky saving me. They seemed to understand everything, and Wanda kept her calm but Pietro, well "I'm going to kill him!" he stands in front of us. I get up to put my hand on his shoulder "Pietro-"

"-No. Just wait until I get my hands on him. I will kill Barnes." He shouts. "Hush! Someone will hear you." Wanda says.

"You can't kill him." I look at him sympathetically. "I know you're upset, but you can't do that. Not to Steve." I say delicately. "I do not care." his accent sounding a little more prominent. Wanda looks at him with a stern look on her face "Pietro. No." He shakes his head and with a flash of blue he's gone.

Wanda and I both agree that Pietro just needs some time to think about it, and we decide to actually put on movie on now. We both end up falling asleep and when we wake up it's time for dinner. Everyone that's in the compound for dinner eats with everyone, it's a rule my mom made. She said she wants everyone to feel like family and that families eat dinner together. So, it's mandatory.

We all ate dinner together and caught up on what we've missed. Pietro ate his dinner fast and then left not even looking at me or Wanda once.

Nat arrived at the compound later that night. She stopped by my room when she got there, I was taking my medicine the doctors gave me. "Didn't think you were into that." She says arms crossed leaning against the doorway to my bathroom. "I'm no-Nat!" I rush to give her a hug. "I didn't think you'd miss me this much you just saw me two days ago" she laughs. I smile brightly at her. "I'm always happy to see you"

"I love seeing you too Y/N/N. How are you healing up?" She pulls the neckline of my shirt down. "I don't know. I haven't really looked at them." I look to the side. "You're supposed to be cleaning them at least twice a day, didn't you listen to the nurse?" She grabs the stuff to clean them "So, so." She gently starts cleaning off the blood from around my stitches and I dramatically gasp and wince. "I swear sometimes you're five." She jokes "But It hurts" I try not to giggle. She just playfully rolls her eyes and finishes cleaning both of the spots.

"I'll see you in training tomorrow. 6 A.M. Bright and early." She says before walking out. I lay down and I think as soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep.

The next day I (lightly) train with Nat, spent some time with Steve, Hangout with Wanda, and help my parents with little things.

I do pretty much this only switching up a few things for the next two weeks. My dad gave me my new suit a couple days after I got here its absolutely amazing and thankfully, he didn't make me try it on for him. Pietro finally got over his murderous moment, I think anyway he's acting normal again.

Nat, Wanda, Sam, and Steve had a mission yesterday. It was a mission against Hydra, but it was supposed to be easy. That's why only four Avengers went.

It went wrong

Wanda blew up a building. People died, and she feels awful about it. She hasn't been out of her room since last night and she hasn't stopped watching the news. I went to go talk to her earlier, but Cap insisted he talk to her instead. Someone had to before the meeting.

The Avengers have a meeting with this Ross guy about signing something about us not intervening with anything unless we're asked to. Which just from what I've heard of this 'Contract' it's a no for me. I mean that's the whole reason for the Avengers. To help people. And I don't know about you, but I don't want to be on the government's leash.

A/N: There wasn't Bucky in this chapter I know! But it was an important one for the story, and he will be in the next one. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked it and if you did, please vote!

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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