Chapter 5

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There are so many reasons why I shouldn't want to help Steve find Bucky, but here I am lying in my hospital bed hooked up to oxygen with stitches in my back and a new set on my throat talking to Steve and Sam about finding the man that caused me to be here. Call me crazy, but after he saved me, he hasn't left my mind. I just hope we can save him.

We had decided to follow different leads we get on him, Steve said he didn't care how many dead-ends we get that he wasn't going to stop until he finds him. Sam and I both said we would help him and come with him every lead he gets.

"If your dad lets you." Steve tells me. "Oh, don't worry about him. He'll be fine." Sam looks at me "That was before all this. If he knows what Cap's old war buddy did to you, he won't let you out of that tower Rapunzel." I nod. "I know. That's why he's not going to find out." Steve looks at me like I'm insane. "How could he not find out? You're all over the news. Look." He says and starts flipping through all the channels on the TV. They all say something like "Captain America and Y/N Stark severally injured by Winter Solder during the Hydra take-down, both rushed to hospital. Will Y/N survive another fatal injury, or will the avengers be down a member?"

I roll my eyes. "They're just being dramatic. We've been over this. I'm fine." I start getting up from bed. "What are you doing?" Sam asks. "Getting food, I'm hungry." The annoyed Captain rushes over to me. "I really don't think you should be-" A nurse suddenly comes in. "Miss Stark! What do you think you're doing? You're going to rip your stitches. You are in no condition to be walking on your own." "But-" I try to say. "No buts. You need to rest." She sits me back down on my bed. I feel the pain of the wounds with every movement. "Sorry about little miss I can do anything." Sam tells the nurse. "Oh, it's alright. I see far worse." She smiles. "When do you think she can go home?" Steve asks. "If she behaves and doesn't rip any of her stitches, she'll be discharged in two days, so Friday." She smiles and walks out. "You hear that sunshine as long as you behave, you'll be back home in two days." Sam says. I squint my eyes at him, but before I can say anything my phone rings.

"Hey Dad!" I answer. "Y/N! You're okay. I saw what happened on the news we've all been worried sick." He says relieved. "Yes, yes. I'm fine! A little bruised up, but I'm okay. Steve got worse than I did." Steve gives me a look and Sam chuckles. "Good. When do you both get released from the hospital?" He asks. "Friday."

"Perfect I'll have a jet waiting for you and Rogers then. I need you both back here." I sigh. "Okay. Thanks dad. I miss you." "I miss you too kiddo... we all do. See you Friday." I smile at his words. I can't wait to see him and mom. Well, everyone actually, but being injured just really makes you want your parents, you know?

"Okay, bye." As soon as I hang up, I look at Cap. "Looks like we're going to New York Friday." I grin. "Ok... But what was the 'Steve got it worse than I did I'm just a little bruised'?" He questions. "Well-" I start. "Y/N." He warns. "I can't let him find out what happened. Sam's right, he won't let me go anywhere if he knows." I spat. "You don't think, you know the huge mark on your neck won't give it away?" Sam looks at me. "Nope." I give a mischievous look. Steve scoffs "And how's that?" "High neck tops are really popular right now. Don't you think?" I say scrolling on my phone. "So, you're going to wear turtlenecks for the rest of your life?" I shake my head "No, just until my stitches fade. After that I can use makeup." Steve sighs "You're unbelievable." I giggle at his annoyance and Sam just sits there with an amused face.

The last two days at the hospital felt like two years. They consisted of Steve lecturing me about why I should tell my dad the truth and me and Sam annoying Steve. That was the only fun part, but now it's finally Friday. I get to leave and see my family. The nurses cleared me to walk, but they said not to work out for at least a month, so my wounds could heal.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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