Chapter 1: First of September

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King's Cross was at its busiest on the first day of September, the people bustling about the station mostly comprised of Muggles trying to get to wherever their destination was, and the occasional Wizard or Witch attempting to cross the inconspicuous barrier to Platform 9 and three quarters, hopefully away from prying eyes.

    Jane Price knew the franticness of the first day of school all too well. Despite being a mother to only one daughter, she found herself brisk walking through the station in the company of two other children. The shortest one, Nicolai, had been struggling to keep up with her much taller friends, walking just a few paces ahead of Jane who was being silently tormented by her work shoes, but found very little time, if none at all, to complain about it as the children were on the cusp of being left behind by the Hogwarts Express.

    "Florence, dear?" she called out, the taller girl, who whisked her head around at her mother's behest, "Darling, won't you slow down? My old legs can't keep up at this pace!"

    "Mum, the train leaves in ten minutes!" she managed to protest, despite her ragged and labored breath, their exchange cut off as the shorter brunette let out a string of complaints about her trolley being too heavy to push, which had been remedied rather quickly as their tallest friend, a blond boy by the name of Alexander, stopped abruptly to pick up one of her trunks and transfer it onto his own trolley.

    At long last, much to the older lady's relief, they finally reached platform nine and three quarters, Jane taking the time to catch her breath as her daughter moved to plant a chaste kiss on her cheek, "Thanks for seeing us off, Mum." Florence smiled, her friends coming into view, "Thank you for letting us sleep over the last week, Mrs. Price." Nicolai said, Alexander nodding at the sentiment, "You have always been such a gracious host."

    "Nonsense, you two are hardly guests, no need to thank me." Jane said earnestly, "Now you three best take care of each other. I'll see you all during winter break."

    King's Cross station disappeared from their view as soon as they had crossed the barrier, greeted by the sight of the black and maroon steam train that took them to school for the last four years.

    "Fifth year," Alexander breathed out, in a tone that was simultaneously wistful and apprehensive, "OWLs year..."

    "Oh don't remind me." Nicolai groaned, "I was rather happy waking up this morning knowing this is going to be Penelope's last year at Hogwarts. Then she'll be out of my hair forever!"

    "You say that now, but I'm sure you'll miss her when she's gone, Nic." Florence pointed out, Nicolai laughing rather loudly at the thought of missing her sister, "It's like you don't even know me at all!"

    "Last call for luggage! Last call for luggage!" they heard a voice bellow, snapping them back into urgency, "Holy shit!" Nicolai cursed, as the three of them pushed their trolleys faster towards the train.

    After being scolded for boarding the train well into the last few minutes, the three had finally found an empty compartment at the last car of the train, sighing as they all sank into their respective seats, Florence leaning her head against the window, a slight frown dawning her face as she stared intently at the knitted nightmare of a hat that sat atop her friend's head, "Er, Nic... That's a rather bold fashion choice. Any reason in particular?"

    Nicolai scoffed, abruptly tugging the pink and lime green beanie in mention, her hair flying into different directions, "My nan knitted it for me, Gave one to Pen too but it wasn't as ridiculous of a color scheme." she muttered as Alexander chuckled, "Thought I'd bump into mum while we were at the station. She made me swear to the old bat that I'd wear it, and said it's offensive not to appreciate someone's labor of love."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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