Slytherin had won the house cup, Sophia hated seeing the smug look on her older brother and sister's faces.

Then, Dumbledore spoke.

"I have some extra points to award. For the most outstanding demonstration of knowledge, I award fifty points to Hermione Granger. For the best played game of chess I have ever seen, I award fifty points to Ronald Weasley. For the best demonstration of using every part of who you are in order to achieve your goals, I award fifty points to Sophia Malfoy. And for a demonstration of pure bravery, I award fifty points to Harry Potter" they were now tieing with Slytherin, the whole hall was clapping, "and finally, for showing true courage, I award ten points to Neville Longbottom" they'd done it, they'd won. Cheers erupted from the Gryffindor table and the rest of the houses, bar Slytherin. The banners hanging around the hall changed from displaying a serpent to displaying a lion. Sophia smiled broadly, right now, everything was perfect. She wanted to enjoy it whilst she could, because soon she'd back at home, and have to face the wrath of her father for her actions that year.

Summer came too quickly, Sophia had hugged all her friends goodbye, as much as she didn't want to. She'd much rather be staying with them.

"You're in for it now Soph" Draco sneered as they approached their parents, a cordial greeting was provided from her father but she could see the anger in his eyes. Her mother had hugged her, but still seemed distant. Roxie looked at her sorrowful, Sophia had barely spoken to her sister that year, she'd barely seen her either. She had no idea where Roxie went all year but she intended to make sure they spent more time together the following school year.

It wasn't long before they arrived back at the manor, Celestia flicked her hair in Sophia's face before walking up to her room. Sophia rolled her eyes and went to go to hers but was stopped,

"Not so fast young lady, you're in deep trouble. Come with me" her father snapped, she rolled her eyes and followed him off down the corridor, at least her being an extreme disappointment took his mind of what he viewed as Roxie's missteps.

They reached the punishment room and she didn't think anything of it, locked in a room for a couple of days. That was fine. Sighing, she walked down the stairs. What started as a light prick on her back turned into a searing pain like she'd never experienced before, screams echoed around the room. Blood curdling screams. The words her father had shouted were 'crucio'. She didn't know that spell, but she didn't like it. Fifteen minutes later, the pain ended. It took her falling asleep and waking up for her mother to come and retrieve her and take her to her room.

That became the new punishment. Whenever she acted up,  'crucio'. She became used to it. Her parents got fed up with her halfway through the summer, so they sent her to her aunts house so she could learn what would happen if she 'continued on a self destructive path'.

"What did you do?" Andromeda asked, smiling as she hugged her close.

"Stated my opinion" she answered, her aunt laughed slightly, cupping her face.

"Typical" Ted joked. Sophia turned to look at her uncle and let out a laugh.

"There's the little dragon smuggler!" Dora smirked and walked into the room, Sophia's smile grew and she ran to hug her cousin.

"Dragon smuggler?" Andromeda questioned, laughing slightly.

"We smuggled a dragon to Charlie and Dora" she answered,

"Who is we little Missy?"

"Me, Harry and Hermione"

The week with her uncle, aunt and cousin was amazing. She didn't know why her parents thought it would set her back on the 'right' path. All it did, was solidify that she could be happy if she continued as she was.

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