Part 53: Striking back with old comrades

Start from the beginning

"Oh no! They're taking Ryusui away with them," Suika cried.

Senku gets upset by this fact but then figures that it can work in your guys favor. Using the ear pieces, he tells Kohaku to break the statue and send them the pieces via the mini mice-mobiles. Kohaku does that and you guys receive the stuff, however seeing the pieces freaked out poor Suika.

"Sweet, the first delvery is here," Senku said.

"Uh...hold on a second," Gen said, a bit nervous and disturbed. "Are they using the mini mice-mobiles to send Ryusui to us piece by tiny piece?"

"Yep," Senku confirmed. "It's not like there's any other option." He gets an evil scientist look on his face as he looks at one of the stone fragments. "The only upside to their petrifaction is this piecemeal prison break."

Gen gets nervous as he looks at Senku horrified. "I've always known you were ridiculously rational, but...but're practically psycho at this point!"

"Let the boy have his fun, mentalist," you said. "Besides, he is right. This is the only thing we can do."

"I swear, you really do love this man because you are way too calm about this behavior y/n-chan," Gen sighed.

After you guys received all the pieces, you guys head back to the cave and assemble Ryusui. After you guys finished the Ryusui puzzle, you guys gave him some clothes so he wouldn't be revived naked. And Suika even made him a new captain's hat out of paper.

Senku pours the reveal fluid on Ryusui and he starts to break free. They step back and Ryusui's body begins to glow.

"Huh? That's a bit odd," Gen admitted. "Are we not gonna hear the-" He mimics cracking noises. "-sound like usual?"

"Nah. He wasn't turn to stone all that long ago," Senku stated. "The crackling is due to the skin eroting and falling off but that takes millennia."

"In his case it's been a few days so nothing's that far gone," you said. "Which means we're seeing the actual reaction of denitrification."

Ryusui's body glows as the stone turns to skin and he comes back to life.

"Ha-Ha!" Ryusui turns around and snaps his fingers. "Excellent work everyone! Thanks to your help I have the distinct honor of being the only person in the world to be revived two times."

"It worked," Suika cried as the rest of you were glad to see Ryusui up and alive.

"Hmm? Not sure if I'm the first today," Ryusui said.

"Nope, you're the first one," you stated.

Ryusui got serious by this confession. "Well if that's the case." He walked over to destroyed motor. He thought as he looked at it before swiftly turning around to look at you guys and snapping his fingers. "We want Kaseki's statue next, am I wrong?"

"Check him out guys, the dude catches on quickly," Senku said.

"Perfect. Saves us time," you said as Senku put his arm around you.

"Ha-Ha. You've done very well Suika," Ryusui said, proudly. He walks up to her and kneels down in front of her. "You were the lone survivor on the battlefield." He pats her head which makes her happy. "In my eyes, you're a full fledged warrior of the Kingdom of Science."

Suika giggles as Ryusui goes to the PythagoraSwitch Rube Goldberg machine-looking thing.

"I get the jist of the situation," Ryusui stated. "Never doubt a sailor's instincts. We're catching the petrifaction weapon up when they toss it. A mid-air battle. With a kite." He snaps his fingers as he grins. "Am I wrong?"

"You're wrong," Senku stated with a cute smile, rosy cheeks and his tongue sticking out a bit with an eye closed . "We're using a drone."

Ryusui was in shocked from hearing the news.

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