blaise finally steps between them pushing malfoy back, "cmon mate. go. before you fuck it all up." he says and his eyes are less dark before they look back to me.

"fuck all of you" he says and turns around moving through the halls. harry mumbles a "see you later"
to me as he goes the opposite way. all i can do is stand there in disbelief and look over to blaise.

he looks away from malfoy then over to me, "don't.. don't take it to heart, what he says he's .. having a hard time and just seeing you wrapped up with potter fucking sent him" he shakes his head.

"wrapped up with potter? i had my arm wrapped with his because he finally is letting us help him with something he's struggling with. no fuck this and fuck him. i have a little bit of decency to not let any man talk to me that way." i say turning around going the direction harry was going.

"please.." blaise says gently behind me, "please try not to hold it against him.." he says and he looks sad.

"blaise, i've always liked you. but you should have more self respect than to let your friend talk and treat women horribly and to stand up for him. you're better than that" i say to him and he looks taken back. and then angry. like my words clicking in his head.

"you'll get back okay?" he asks looking into the direction of the gryffindor girls dorms and i nod.

"later figgins" he finally says and walks away.

i groan turning the other way going towards the dorms. tears weld up in my eyes, and i can't fucking stand him. he's all sleeping in my bed making amends with hermione one night then a couple days later basically calling me a whore in front of everyone.

he's got issues. i know that, i know that! but at some point when does everyone stop enabling him? when does everyone stop laughing and finally say, "that's enough. we're grown."

a part of me wants him to come begging for me to accept his apology. another part of me never wants to hear a word from his mouth again. i round the corner to my room and see a figure leaning against the wall by the door waiting.

except it's not a blonde, it's a brunette with curls.

"josie! oh thank merlin, blaise told me.. malfoy he's.. fuck you okay?" he says trying to gather his words from rambling.

i cross my arms and raise an eyebrow up to him and he sighs, "ugh right, okay! i'm sorry for my comment early. it was rude and childish. i'm sorry" theo says looking down at his green tie in his hands. i smile at him and walk up to him.

"no more comments about malfoy. ever. not to me" i say and he nods, "seriously theo. it's a boundary now" i say and his widen some but then he nods, truly, in agreement.

"never again" he says, his voice is stern.

"seriously josie, blaise told me what he said and it was fucked up. you know he doesn't.. think that of you, nobody does" he shakes his head and i open the door to my room letting him follow me inside. he shuts the door as i throw my books on the desk.

"seemed like he meant it to me.. i wasn't doing.. anything wrong" i frown, "and even if i was it's not his place to be mad he's not my boyfriend or anything gods we were just becoming friends i guess you could say" i pinch the bridge of my nose and take a deep inhale and exhale.

"you didn't do anything wrong josie.." he says sitting down on my bed looking over at me.

"malfoy is just... malfoy" he shrugs, "like he's basically my brother right? but gods he can be suck a proper twat. i mean usually we all laugh and shit at the things he says but hey, nobody's laughing when it comes to you josie" he says and grabs my hand pulling me over to sit by him.

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