not taking a stand for Janki bua," Ragini whispered in the midst of Rudra's animated rambling.

"You are right," she sighed heavily.

"Wait, did I hear it right? You said I am right! Hell, I knew it. I know that I am always right!" Rudra

exclaimed, triumphant.

"Can you stop screeching? My head is hurting, and your voice tone is not helping," Ragini

retorted, holding her head. She threw a pillow at him.

"Oh, hell. Here, I help you, and you taunt me!" Rudra said, retaliating with a pillow hit.

"How dare you!" Ragini got angry and picked up another cushion, starting a playful pillow fight.

In the midst of laughter and cushion warfare, they reconciled after four years of not speaking

with each other, proving that even family drama could have its moments of hilarity.


Ragini returned home in the evening, and after a scolding from Dadi, she retired to her room.

Her family found her behavior peculiar, but Ragini paid little attention. Swara, fearing

Ragini's knowledge of Laksh's confession, followed her to their room.

"Ragini, everyone was worried," Swara said.

"I know," came the flat reply as Ragini walked towards the cupboard.

"I heard from Riya that you came to college but left after a few minutes. I didn't see you there,"

Swara mentioned.

Ragini, feeling anger bubbling within her, closed the cupboard door abruptly, startling Swara.

"Woh me and Laksh—"

Before Swara could finish, Ragini hastily walked into the washroom. Leaning against the

washroom door, she could feel a tumult of emotions—betrayal, anger, and confusion. The

events of the past days had left her emotionally drained, and she needed some quiet time to

figure out her next steps.


The Gadodia house was buzzing with activity the next day as DP from the Maheswari family

paid a visit to discuss Laksh and Ragini's impending wedding. The air was thick with

anticipation, but three faces in the room told a different story – Laksh, Swara, and surprisingly,


Laksh and Swara found themselves in a dilemma. They were unsure how to reveal their love to

everyone, especially considering the awkwardness that had developed. Swara had been

attempting to approach Ragini, but she seemed to be actively avoiding her.

As the Maheswari family entered the Gadodia household, conversations about the wedding

ensued. Dadi, Dadaji, and Shekhar were engaged in cheerful discussions, but three individuals

seemed to be in a world of their own, lost in contemplation.

Laksh couldn't help but steal glances at Swara, who, in turn, was uncertain about how Ragini

would react. The tension in the room was palpable. Ragini observed their silent communication

and, growing irritated, decided that enough was enough.

Standing up abruptly, she declared, "I can't marry Laksh."

Shock and surprise gripped the room. Everyone wanted an explanation, but Ragini, with

determination in her eyes, directed their attention toward Laksh.

"Why don't you ask Laksh?" she challenged, causing a collective gasp.

Walking up to Laksh, Ragini dropped the bombshell.

"Why don't you tell them, Laksh, that you don't want to marry a 'Bhenji'?" The room fell silent as

everyone waited for Laksh's response.

AP tried to mediate, assuming it was an old issue. "But beta, Laksh apologized for that, right?

He proposed to re-engage with you willingly. You are his choice."

Ragini's tone turned colder. "Are you sure, Aunty, that I am the girl Laksh wants to marry?" The

term 'aunty,' uttered with a distant tone, startled AP, who had been called 'mother' by Ragini

since their engagement.

Ragini continued her assault, eyes fixed on Laksh. "Or are you scared to admit that you love

someone?" The room became a tableau of tension, with everyone's eyes darting between

Ragini and Laksh.

DP, now furious, demanded an explanation from his son. "Laksh, what is Ragini saying?"

"Dad," Laksh stammered, caught in a dilemma.

"Say it, Laksh!" Ragini pressed on. "Or can't you? Because you only have guts to ridicule

someone and name-tag them." The room felt charged with emotion.

Ragini's anger was evident in her words, but her facial expression remained eerily blank. Swara

signaled her mother, Sharmistha, indicating that something was not right.

Adarsh, sensing the escalating tension, intervened. "maybe today isn't the right day. Let's

discuss this at home; there are things we need to sort out."

Impatience gripped the gathering. AP suggested leaving for home to discuss matters privately.

Ragini, however, was unrelenting.

"Would you run away, Laksh? Won't you admit what you did and how you feel toward someone

in this room?"

Swara tried to intervene, but Ragini silenced her with a stern "Not today, Swara."

"Come on, Laksh, show your daring," she goaded him.

"What's happening, Laksh? What is Ragini saying?" DP's voice echoed with urgency.

Laksh, cornered and with no other option, blurted out,

"I love Swara," stunning everyone, especially Swara, who closed her eyes in anticipation of the

storm that was about to hit.

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