Soon Ken came to the podium and Vegas questioned him, "So, Dr Ken, please introduce yourself and tell the court how you know Kim."

Ken nodded and said, "Khab. I am Dr Ken. I have been working in the Bangkok Hospital for the past 10 years. Kinn is my friend who I met during college days. One day his brother, Kim, fell unconscious on the ground and he was rushed to my hospital. When I checked him, I came to know that he had serious medical condition and he was admitted in the hospital immediately. But few days ago, his condition worsen, so I asked Kinn to transfer Kim to another hospital for better treatment, which he did immediately. But the next call from him was saying that Kim has died."

"Before discharging Kim from the hospital, did you check him?", Vegas asked.

"Khab. I had checked him personally. He had all his organs.", Ken replied.

"Thank you, Dr Ken. You may return.", Vegas said. Ken nodded and returned to his seat.

"Your owner, this is the bank statement of Mr Porsche Kittisawasd. Yesterday evening, 55 lakh baht were transferred into his account.", Vegas said as he passed the bank statement to the judge.

The judge read the statement.

Vegas continued, "Also, Mr Kittisawasd never takes money from the poor. He always treats them for free because in the end he takes their organs and sells them. This is how he earns the money. And to do this the hospital also helps him."

The judge nodded.

"The main income of the hospital come from fooling people my owner. I request the court to sent the doctor to maximum number of imprisonment and pay for the loss of Mr Kinn. That's all my owner.", Vegas concluded.

The judge nodded and said, "Does the defendant have any opposing arguments or should I tell my judgement?"

"I have, my owner", Macau said as he got up from his seat.

Vegas looked at Macau and went back to his seat.

"First of all, my owner, I would like to call Dr Ken back on the podium", Macau said.

"Permission granted,", the judge said. Ken returned to the podium.

"So, Mr Ken. How long have you been a doctor?", Macau asked.

"As I said, 10 years khab", Ken replied.

"10 years and you couldn't say when the organs were removed?", Macau asked.

"What do you mean?", Ken asked.

"I meant what I meant, Mr Ken", Macau said with a smirk. "My owner, this is the postpartum report of Kim. And according to this, his organs were removed two to three days before he was transferred to Changpuek Hospital", Macau said as he passed the report to the judge.

Macau turned to Ken and asked, "So, what do you have to say about that?"

"", Ken stuttered.

"Objection my owner", Vegas said. "The defence is trying to manipulate and trick my witness."

"But Mr Vegas, what about the postpartum report?", the judge asked. "Objection Overruled."

"Mr Ken, there is no way out.", Macau said.

"For what?", Ken asked.

"Accept it! You are the one who removed Kim's internal organs!", Macau demanded.

"Noo, I didn't.", Ken said.

"Yes, you did!"

"No, my owner! I didn't"

Oneshots of KinnPorsche - The Series (Onhold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें