The funeral

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Tim's pov:
I stood up in Lucy's apartment without Lucy laying next to me... I checked the date 27th of August today was the funeral, I stood up and went to take a shower the last one I took was the evening she died... and somehow, I needed to get Tamara in there as well. She's exhausted she dropped out of school, which makes me worry more she always loved to learn. In the shower, I broke down. Why she? Why? I managed to get myself out of there and put on some clothes. I wore some blue jeans and one of my shirts. Lucy loved this one... I put on some deodorant and perfume and went to Tamaras' room. I knocked on the door, waiting for an answer.

Tamaras pov:

This morning, I woke up by a knock on the door.
T: Tams, are you in there?
I heard Tim ask. "Come in," I said, just loud enough for Tim to hear me. The door opened. Tim came in and sat on my bed next to me.
T: I know it's hard, but you need to shower in the meantime. I'll make breakfast. What do you want?
"A tosti?" I asked, unsure what the question was because I zoned out at "I know it's hard. "
T: a tosti it is.
Tim kissed my head and left my room. I sat there 2 more minutes, replaying the phone call in my head.
T: Hey T, erm. I'm not sure how to tell, but Lucy just got shot in the line of duty... they brought her to the hospital.
Me: What? How?!
T: There was a drive-by. I'm sorry.
Me: I'm on my way!
But by the time I was there, Lucy had already died. I got my stuff and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and tried not to break down there. But instead, I got a panick attack.

L: Tamara, calm down for me, please.
Me: I- I- can-t br- breath.
L: Listen to the song. *Lucy sang a song*
I calmed down from the panick attack

I remembered the song and how Lucy sang it, I calmed down. I got out of the shower and put on black jeans and a blue shirt with a black blazer and black sunglasses in my purse.
I went to the kitchen and ran to Tim for a hug.


Tamara gave Tim a hug.
T: Are you alright?
Ta: No...
Tamara said as she broke down in Tim's arms.
T: hey shh it's okay, I'm here, it's okay.
Tim kissed Tamara on the forehead.
T: erm breakfast is ready want to eat?
Ta: Yeah..
They had breakfast together.
T: You know Lucy would kill us if she saw that we are eating this at this time (it's 8:53am).
Tamara got a light smile on her face.
The doorbell rang.
T: I'll get that so you can eat.
Tamara nodded. When Tim opened the door, Angela was there.
T: Hey, how are you?
Ang: As good as I can be with all of this. And you?
T: I'm doing fine Ig but Tamara isn't her anymore.
Ta: Hey, Ang.
Ang: Hey Tams, how are you?
Ta: I don't know, every time I manage to fall asleep, I hear the call again.
Ang: I'm sorry.
T: So what are you doing here?
Ang: I came to check on you guys to see if you were really awake and getting ready.
T: Thanks.
It was now time to leave to the funeral
T: Shall we give you a ride?
Ang: erm no, I'm good. The car is blocking yours anyway.
Secretly, Tim knew that Angela was gonna cry in her car.
They got to the cemetery, and they had a beautiful funeral planned for Lucy that found place in peace. After the funeral, everyone went to the coffee table. Tim hired for them, but Nyla noticed that Tamara wasn't there.
N: Excuse me, I'm gonna say my last words to Luce.
Ang: Yeah, okay.
Nyla went to Lucy's grave and found Tamara standing there she stayed at a distance to make sure Tamara didn't do something stupid to her or herself. At that moment, Tim stood next to her.
T: she isn't handling it well.
N: I know that's why I'm here and not next to her.
They saw Tamara fall down on her knees.
N: Now we need to go.
Before Nyla was done talking, Tim was already there.
T: Hey, it's okay, shhh I'm here, you can cry dw no one will see.
Tim said, hugging her tight
Tamara buried her head into Tim's arms and hugged him back.
Ta: I can't do this! Not without her! I can't lose another one!
T: Hey, she's with you she's here.
Tim said with tears running down his face.
Ta: Why her? Why not Frank! She didn't do anything!
T: shhh, I know life is unfair.
Tim broke inside, seeing Tamara like this hurt his feelings so much.
After an hour, Tim managed to calm her down.
Ta: Can we go home?
T: Yeah, of course I'll go say bye to everyone and then we can leave.
Ta: Okay.
Tim said bye to everyone and then picked up Tamara
(Something like Tams head hung over/in Tim's neck, and she was hugging him)

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