Episode 3 : It all goes down

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Warning: 18+ SMUT / strong language/ extreme nudity.

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Maybe I should just leave him a text. I'll just go back to the hotel and try looking for him there. Anyway nothing bad could've happened. I trust Wes.

Meanwhile Rhea was rapping her tounge around Wes Lee's dick. She sucked it like there was no tomorrow. Wes didn't do anything , or say anything he was in a trance. I don't even think Wes knew what was happening. He was lost...

Rhea started riding his dick, she rode the dick so hard he cummed. "Oh shit!!!" Rhea moaned "mmm that was real good ... Baby, hehehe". Wes didn't do or say anything.
So how did it come out Rhea asked a figure standing in a dark corner of the room.  Then Damian walked out of the shadows with a camera. "It came out great" he grinned.

"All we need to do is post... NOW priest get rid of him..."
Wes lee finally  woke up 
" Uh fuck ...., What the time anyway and why am I in a dumpster.  Let me go take a shower , ugh" 

Wes lee didn't show  up so I was on my own. I then bumped into Carmelo Hayes. "Hi Melo"  I said cheerfully. He looked at me in disappointment. His eyes were full of pitty. "What's wrong? Something I said?" He sighed then looked at me. "Does Lee really love you?" I looked confused. "The fuck , you talking about , course he loves me" he raised his eyebrow " Really you sure about that?" He took out his phone. What I saw was shocking.

Tears strolled down from my cheek. " WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!!!!?  WHACHU THINK I AM , MELO???!!!!!" I yelled. "I don't think you're anything" he said calmly "I just think your so called 'boyfriend' has been fuckin Rhea."

I was so furious that I snatched the phone from him and threw it on the ground. I just walked away silently with tears in my eyes. I tried to hold in the pain until after my match.

After NXT I found Wes in our hotel room.
"Hey bab- " I pushed him away before he could even finish his statement. "What's wrong baby?" He said in a very concerned tone. "DON'T CALL ME BABY!!! U CHEATING FUCK!!!" I yelled. Wes went silent for a moment. "Cheating, why would I cheat on you?" He asked with a real puzzled face. "I don't know , shit bag why would you let 'mami' suck your dick?!!!!"

Wes gave one more "What!?". Before I threw my phone at him.  "There , look for your fuckin self." I was covered in tears "After - after all we've been through, Wes ... Everything. Why?"

Wes was shocked" I don't remember that honest"
What was happening???

I walked into the bathroom and started wallowing.
All Wes could remember was being attacked , not this.
He stood up from the bed. "Baby" he said knocking on the door . "Please  let's talk about this" I countinued sobbing " Ain't nothing to talk about, Wes , Nothing!!!"


"I'm sure our plan worked" said Rhea to her team.

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