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Test Tube sat on her desk reading some books, as ii2 had ended there was not much to do anymore. Suddenly one book caught her eye.

Titled Object Biology: everything you need to know

Interest she opened the book to read.

CHAPTER: 'life' and 'death'

Objects are not born nor they can die (reffer to chapter: Recovery). However to our knowledge objects are created by something or 'someone'. We also know that an object is made or created to fulfil a specific task. Once that task is fulfilled most of the time the object returns to a 'normal' life or in a specific case the object maybe 'removed' from existence, when an object is 'removed' the memories about the object is also removed but sometimes some object remember the 'removed' object but only in their dreams. We are also not sure how or why this happens.

"Hmm.." thought Test Tube the thought of 'removing' an object reminder of something, after thinking about it for approximately 10 seconds it clicked! "Didn't Fan tell me about a contestant who had died in season 1..?" Test Tube said still thinking " what was her name again?," she thought "oh, right! Bow was her name!" She quickly said. Then began reading the next chapters.

CHAPTER: regeneration

There have been rumours of an object regrowing parts of itself. We don't know how, but an experiment had been done in which a pencil had been cut in half (some object don't feel specific pain reffer to chapter: Pain). It was found that the part which contained the 'face' was 'alive' whereas the other 'dead' or 'inanimate'.

"Huh, I remember fan telling me that apple had to be cut in half to be removed from the stage in one of the challenges in season 1" Test Tube told herself thinking aloud. Something caught her eye, the words 'didn't/don't know' had appeared in alot of the chapters.


Some objects are 'fragile' or 'weak' and tend to die easily which would most likely cause rapid depopulation. So to prevent such thing from happening 'recovery centres'/'recovery objects' are made. How they work is still unknown to us. However an object can also 'die' forever if a nearby R.C didn't register the death in it's system.

"I knew Mephone4 could revive us, but I never know their were machine that could recover other objects!" She said as she remembered that Mephone had the ability to 'revive' others. She never thought that there could also be machines called 'recovery centres' designed to recover other objects. But, she was still fascinated none the less. Maybe she could even make herself a recovery center too!


Among objects there also live other kinds of 'objects' called 'non-objects'. It is still unclear why they were 'created' (reffer to chapter: Birth and Death)
The non objects are very similar to objects as they can be seen interacting with eachother. Some non objects have also been seen with special powers, a recent example of this was lightning bolt (which had the ability to fly and produce electricity) that had released to much energy from itself which caused an power outage across the whole place.

"Yin-Yang are also considered non-objects I presume as they maybe a symbol and not an object" Test Tube said about her fellow friend and teammate. She never knew that there could be other non-objects out there. Before she knew it she was on the last topic.


Most objects are just one object with one body, but in some rare cases two objects can share one body or even one object having two bodies. It is still unclear how or why did this happens. But it was also seen the objects sharing one body may fight for control and the object with two bodies may seen doing facial expressions with one body and actions with the other. Questions had also arisen like 'what would happen if they were separated/connected?'. But none wanted to try because it could harm the object beyond recovery.

"I did talk with cherries when I was eliminated and he did tell me that he was just one with two bodies." It still amazed her that both Cherries and Yin-Yang fit the discription of the chapters along with other people she knew.

But in all the chapters there was one key word 'don't know' which filled her with curiosity and questions than it did with answers.

She decides to check other books be still no answer... She was determined to find her answers.

Then it clicked! Most of the people she knew she had read about them in the book itself so why not take their 'help'...?

---Hii!! XD I hope you liked the chapter

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Hii!! XD I hope you liked the chapter. (I also made some references lol)
As i said I'll add pictures :D

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