Chapter 246 On Demand (3) (2/2)

Start from the beginning

Fan Qing created him, and he developed feelings because of Fan Qing.

2. Puppet×Puppet Master

The most famous puppet master in Beijing is named Fan Qing. The Fan family is a puppet family and has been invited by the emperor to perform in the palace many times.

Puppet performance most tests the puppet master's control level, and Fan Qing's mastery of this aspect is truly outstanding. Every time I watch his performance, everyone has the illusion that the puppet controlled by thin wires comes to life.

The puppets that Fan Qing now owns are all passed down from generation to generation in the Fan family. The most praised thing about the Fan family's puppets is that they all look lifelike.

Every heir to the Fan family must create his own puppet on the day he comes of age. However, over the years, Fan Qing has been obsessed with the family business and unknowingly delayed this matter.

When he was twenty-six years old, he suddenly felt enlightened and began to build puppets sleeplessly.

He used the best materials, and after using the knife, it seemed like he was being guided from somewhere, and he was out of control.

Fan Qing spent three months in seclusion and finally created her own puppet.

He ordered the puppet to be Hao Su.

Others don't know that the reason why the Fan family occupies the leading position in the puppet industry is that each heir of their family awakens a special ability.

This ability can help them better control the puppet and use it to their advantage.

After creating her own exclusive puppet, Fan Qing dripped a drop of her own blood onto the opponent.

Then, the puppet that he had put all his efforts into blinked as if it came to life.


When Hao Su opened his eyes, the first person he saw in the world was Fan Qing.

As a puppet master, Fan Qing always performs behind the scenes. Even when she meets the emperor, she always wears a mask on her face.

Therefore, no one has seen Fan Qing except those who are very close to him in the Fan family.

There are rumors that Fan Qing is too ugly, but in fact, it is because he is too beautiful.

With a look like this, if you don't wear a mask, you may not cause any trouble.

In order to avoid trouble, Fan Qing's parents ordered him a mask when he was very young.

Fan Qing has been wearing it to this day.

The puppet room is dark and cool. If you walk in unexpectedly in the dark night, you might be frightened.

Hao Su looked at Fan Qing and tilted his head in confusion. Then he reached out and took off the mask on Fan Qing's face.

The room seemed to become a little brighter because of his beautiful appearance, so he praised him sincerely: "You are so beautiful."

The puppet's eyes were calm and gentle, but for no reason, Fan Qing's heart jumped suddenly.

Before he could react, the puppet moved closer to him, its nose gently touching his face.

Fan Qing didn't know if the puppet could smell it, even if he had brought it back to life.

But then, he heard Hao Su's voice, still as heartfelt and sincere as before.

"I smelled it. It woke me up. It smelled so good."

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