The Christmas Confession

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Christie (Krystal Gen) x Jaejoong ft. Yuuko (Krystal Gen) and Junsu


As the snowflakes gently fell, Kim Jaejoong, the legendary K-pop star, found himself standing outside a grand house, his breath fogging up in the chilly December air. His heart pounded in his chest. Tonight was the big Christmas party at Yuuko's house, a fellow Krystal Gen member. Yuuko is currently 30, she befriended Jaejoong when she was an SM trainee in 2000. Unfortunately he wasn't there for her Krystal Gen work due to not wanting to do anything with SM when he left.

So it explains why he wasn't really familiar with Christie the leader of Krystal Gen. The now 25 year old woman was a guest for his show recently. They got along really well to the point that they have a joke on who's the real sunbae. There was some subtle flirting and even after the show they kept chatting. The last time they saw each other was when they shared a passionate kiss towards each other. They still chat but not as often considering Christie was really busy.

Now Jaejoong is out there wondering if Christie was there with her fun personality. The thought of seeing Christie, after that unexpected kiss they shared in her car, was making him more than just a little nervous.

On the other hand, Christie was buzzing with excitement. She was always the life of any party, and tonight was no different. Yet, the memory of that shared kiss with Jaejoong lingered in her mind, causing her heart to flutter every time she thought about it. "I wonder what I'll do if Jaejoong shows up", she thought to herself. She had confided her feelings to Junsu, who had given her some advice but also told her to follow her heart.

The party was in full swing, with music blaring and laughter echoing throughout Yuuko's house. Jaejoong, needing some air, excused himself from the party and stepped into the garden. The garden was beautifully lit, the twinkling fairy lights reflecting off the snow, creating a magical atmosphere. He saw a figure near the rose bushes, recognising the silhouette as Christie.

Christie was tipsy, her usually vivacious personality appearing slightly subdued. Christie tho having a great time was really upset. She has episodes where random waves of sadness just hits her and tonight was that random time. Seeing Jaejoong approach, she gave him a small, half-hearted smile. He returned it, sitting next to her on the bench, the cold barely noticeable in the warmth of their shared silence.

"So you still think you're the sunbae?" Jaejoong said trying to break the silence causing Christie to start laughing a-bit. She just felt so comfortable with the older attractive man.

They started talking, about everything and nothing. Their shared insecurities, their hopes, their dreams, their fears. Jaejoong found himself being drawn to her, her honesty, her strength, her vulnerability. She was more than just the Krystal Gen leader; she was Christie, the woman who had unknowingly captured his heart. While Christie was feeling the exact same way about him.

It felt weird she was a big fan of him for years. Despite being a legendary idol herself she still feels like the awkward teenager she was 12 years ago.

Suddenly, loud bangs echoed through the garden, it was the music from the party. Yuuko and some of her guests loves hiphop. She seems to be overwhelmed when Yuuko blasts it too loud. Christie, already tipsy and upset, jumped at the sudden noise, ending up in Jaejoong's arms. He held her close, a protective instinct overpowering him.

Seeing her so vulnerable the two locked eyes not knowing what to say next. Then suddenly Jaejoong confessed his feelings, "Christie, I... I care about you. More than I should. More than I thought I ever could." His words hung in the air, the silence deafening. Christie looked at him, her eyes wide with surprise, and then, slowly, a smile spread across her face.

"I care about you too, Jaejoong," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the gentle rustling of the leaves. They leaned in, their lips meeting in a sweet, tender kiss, the world around them fading into insignificance. It was a beautiful night something to remember.

Meanwhile, from an upstairs window, Yuuko and Junsu watched the couple, their faces beaming with pride. Their five-year plan of getting Jaejoong and Christie together had finally come to fruition.

"Finally," Yuuko exclaimed, clinking her glass with Junsu's. "To Jaejoong and Christie's love story. May it be as beautiful and enchanting as this Christmas night." This was their plan since 2018. She over heard who Christie wanted as her type of man while Junsu wanted something to laugh at. So they decided to join forces and get their 5 year plan to work. It was delayed cuz of Christie's failed attempts of love and 2 daughters to handle. Now they feel victorious adoring this cute couple.

As the snowflakes continued to fall, Jaejoong and Christie remained in the garden, their hearts filled with newfound love, completely oblivious to the two proud matchmakers watching over them with content smiles. Their Christmas was indeed merry, the night forever etched in their hearts as the night they confessed their love.

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