Chapter 185 Entertainment Circle (1) (2/2)

Start from the beginning

Fan Qing is always very cautious when dealing with Hao Su. Even if he likes to look at it, he won't show it out often.

Sometimes he has a feeling of being |profane||blaspheming| to the other person, but when he is on top of him, he will get endless arousal from this feeling of ||profane||profane|.

One time he couldn't hold it back and even broke one of his favorite posters.

After that, he locked the film in the safe, and he has never taken it out until now.

Among all the works Hao Su has acted in, Fan Qing likes the one in which he plays a blind man the most.

Because in movies, Hao Su always looks extremely broken due to the needs of his role. This gives people a feeling that it is easy to handle and easy to control.

While watching it, Fan Qing thought about it more than once. If he were a person in the movie, he would definitely follow Hao Su in every possible way when he couldn't see...

More than fifty percent of the videos he locked up were from this movie.

After Fan Qing debuted, she almost regarded Hao Su as her role model.

If the other person takes his work seriously, he will also take his work seriously. The other party rarely participated in the program, so he stayed behind closed doors and worked hard to improve his skills in all aspects and create more output for Hao Su online.

Although Fan Qing doesn't follow anyone on his social account, he has a bunch of fans on a certain video website.

Every time Hao Su attends an event or has a new work, he will edit it immediately.

In addition, Fan Qing’s copywriting is very good every time.

In his own computer, he also wrote many short essays related to Hao Su.

Occasionally, he would write about himself and Hao Su together.

It was the same as when he watched the videos he had edited, and he felt a sense of shame.

But Fan Qing always feels ashamed and excessive, but at the same time can't help but indulge in it.

If he hadn't been unable to draw, he might have drawn illustrations for the stories he wrote and posted them in his room.

Fan Qing also has a pillow that is larger than Hao Su's, which was specially made by him.

Every night, he would hug "Hao Su" and fall asleep looking at his face.

In these years in the circle, it is impossible to say that he and Hao Su have never met each other once, but speaking of it, they have indeed never spoken to each other once.

Most of the time they met briefly when attending some event.

Fan Qing once thought about taking the initiative to talk to Hao Su, but for some reason, every time he had contact with the other person, he would feel numb in his heart.

If Hao Su looked at him for a moment, he would feel as if he had been hit by electricity all along the line from his heels to his back.

Often his voice becomes hoarse before he says anything, or even...

For this reason, Fan Qing had to go from wanting to get in front of the other party to avoiding the other party's sight in a panic.

How can someone be like this when they see each other for the first time? If he stood in front of Hao Su, he would definitely be regarded as a pervert!

In the bathroom, Fan Qing thought with annoyance as she looked at her face that didn't change much even after being washed by cold water.

By the time he was mentally prepared again and planned to come out to talk to Hao Su, the other party had already left.

There were flashing lights at the event, and the celebrities were dressed in fancy clothes. Some people who knew his identity wanted to use this opportunity to chat with him. But Fan Qing's heart left with Hao Su.

He was also dressed very nicely and brightly that day, but unfortunately, Hao Su didn't see it.

Fan Qing was sitting outside, looking as if she was wilted.

There were many opportunities in front of him, but Fan Qing always failed to take them.

For this reason, he once doubted whether there was something wrong with his psychology, and even consulted some psychiatrists.

After the other party learned about Fan Qing's situation, they unanimously stated that there was nothing wrong with him mentally.

The reason for this is that his affection for Hao Su is too high.

Just like a cup, when it is filled with water and something is thrown into it, the water inside will overflow.

Every time Fan Qing saw Hao Su, she was filled with water. And when he wanted to get close to Hao Su, he was throwing things in.

Under such circumstances, how could the water in the cup not overflow?

He even heated the cup while throwing things away, which made the impact even worse.

Because his problem was so serious, the psychiatrist gave him a lot of advice from his professional perspective, asking him to relax as much as possible and treat him as an ordinary person when meeting Hao Su.

Before joining this variety show, Fan Qing had already done a lot of construction for herself according to the advice of the psychiatrist.

Even when meeting Hao Su, he secretly practiced alone in front of the mirror for a long time.

For example, how to talk to the other person, how to look at the other person, how many teeth should be exposed when smiling, whether the eyes are too cold, and should be softened.

He also hinted to himself many times not to get excited when seeing the other person, and not to freeze up.

Everything was obviously normal at home, and Fan Qing even practiced a joke to tell Hao Su.

He deliberately took the time to review the first few issues of "With You" and learned something deeply from them, that is, when two people first meet, they must say something to ease the atmosphere.

Fan Qing didn't want to be alone with Hao Su, so she did her homework before actually recording the show.

Who would have thought that after meeting Hao Su, Fan Qing's brain would short-circuit with excitement just by hearing him say a word to him.


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