7th idea of my little rant

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Holy fuck I'm on a roll. 7 back to back. Anygays I presume you have figured it out that I'm hooked on secret relationships. And I am. But..... here me out...... First of Ironstrange. Don't. Ask. Why. Secondly iron dad. Peter is on r/tonystark and meets someone saying he shot Tony with a modified potato gun. Peter doesnt believe him and wants proof. (At this point you have hopefully figured out its Parley.) Harley asks him to meet up so he could show him the potato gun. Obviously Tennessee is not close to New york. But Peter still wants to meet up. They exchanged numbers and Peter tells him he will find a way down. Peter builds his own iron man suit. Peter tells Tony a lie about staying at a friend's house for a day or two to finish a project. He flies down to Tennessee and meets Harley. Blah blah blah secret friendship for a couple weeks. Leads to secret relationship. Ends in Iron dad finding out and just be creative.

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