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Never let "anyone" disrespect your family, friends, beloved, caretaker, crush, love only because you want to keep them

Because doing this, not only you are letting them bash about your choices, family and people around you,
Shatter your self respect, your efforts, your innocence
You are also betraying your own family members, friends and your beloved by doing this, you are being unloyal and unfaithful to YOUR people because you want someone new~

Trust me baby,
Anyone who disrespects people around you are L
And you don't have to ruin yourself behind them

People come and people go
And you know, what they gonna say about you when they will leave?
"She wasn't be able to be the one for her own family and friends, what would she probably do for me"

And guess what?
They ain't wrong either

It's YOUR FAULT, that you gave the new person excess to disrespect YOUR PEOPLE

People come and people go
So, calm down baby and let time tell, don't become a puppet behind people in the act of wanting them

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