Santa's Grotto

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(An: I felt like doing this one because of what today is.)

Peppa: I'm Peppa Pig. *Oink* This is my little brother, George,

George: *Oink* *Oink*

Peppa: This is Mummy Pig,

Mummy Pig: *Oinks pretty loud*

Peppa Pig: And this is Daddy Pig.

Daddy Pig: *Mega Oinks!*

Y/n: And I'M Y/n Human. *Dabs**Fake Oinks*.

All: *Laugh*

Y/n: Y/n Human. *Dabs*

The scene opens and shows Peppa's house with very snowy weather. The pig children and their human friend run out the door, all bundled up and play in the snow.

Y/n Narrating: Santa's Grotto.

Narrator: It is Christmas Eve.

Daddy Pig comes outside as well.

Daddy Pig: Hands up, who wants to go see Father Christmas.

Peppa and George: *Raises hands* Me! Me! Me!

Y/n: Sure. I guess.

Peppa: *Oinks* Are we going to the North Pole?

Y/n: *Chuckles* Peppa, we aren't going there. We'd freeze to death.

Peppa: *Straight face* But, Y/n, Father Christmas lives at the North Pole.

Y/n: Are we seeing him at the mall, like where I'm from?

Daddy Pig: Not quite, Y/n. Lucky for us, he's got a grotto at the Christmas Fair.

Y/n's Thoughts: I wonder why he didn't tell this to us last year.


The group of five arrive at their destination.

Narrator: Y/n, Peppa, and George have coke to visit Santa's Grotto.

Y/n's Thoughts: We already know that.

The group comes along to a small Christmas train that looks similar to Gertrude. On the train happened to be all of the other children from the Playgroup. Miss Rabbit was at the front too.

Peppa: Hello, everyone!

Children: Hello!

Y/n: Hey, guys.

Children: Y/n! Happy

(An: Whenever I say "Children", it means the smaller children, not Y/n)

Miss Rabbit: All aboard the elf train! This way to Santa's Grotto!

The three new passengers get on the train as the conductor drives them along and the parents follow behind.

Y/n's Thoughts: Too bad they have to walk.

Peppa insisted that Y/n sit with her, Susie, Emily, and Danny at the front and he complied to make her happy.

Peppa: Susie, what are you asking Father Christmas for?

Susie: *Straight face* I don't know! What are you asking for? To Peppa

Peppa: *Oinks* I would like a doll that walks and talks and closes its eyes when it goes to sleep!

Y/n: *Giggles* That's quite a mouthful.

Susie: I'll ask for that too.

Peppa: What about you, Y/n?

Susie: Yeah, what would you like?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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