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The next dimension they dropped by was a normal Earth, with people working the days in their nine to fives, traffic informing the streets, and good 'ol capitalism in full blow.

"Yawn." Hobie grunted, ready to push on his watch again, but Pavitr had stopped him midway, pointing at what looked like an on-going fight between a Spider-man and a Doc Ock.

"You want to help him out?" Hobie asked rather disinterested, not very feeling out of his vacation mode. His body was still slugging from laying around all those weeks, and the sun burn was cooking him in the right areas that made him want another cool bath.
As Pavitr looked to be digging for his suit, he signed away and rummaged for his' as well, donning on his usual spikes and vest, and cringing at the Spandex's friction against hot sensitive skin.

"Treacle tart, promise me that after this, we'll go back to findin' lakes and flowers and coconuts and all'at again. Let's not bury ourselves in the climate of this world, luv. Not yet." His tone almost sounded begging, which surprised him. Because usually, Spider-punk was all about dipping his toes in trouble, and helping regulate the crime rate of any given ecosystem. But the past few weeks have been amazing, and he was starting to really get comfortable with being selfish. As horrible as that sounded when worded out, it was an achievement. He'd never caught a break before.

Pavitr smiled warmly at him. He'd half expected a bit more fighting, that Pavitr's golden moral compass would override his pitiful whining, but he'd only gotten a firm nod. "Of course, Hobie. After we help him, we're going right back to hopping."

Doc Ock had this dimension's Spider-man pinned down on top of an apartment complex, some rubble falling from the building once the cracks started appearing. Before he could launch a punch, Pavitr winded one of his tentacles with his flying bangle, drawing it back, the combo move followed by Hobie shredding his guitar to completely dislodge the villain from the building.

"You a'ight, mate?" Hobie asked as Pavitr helped the Spider-man up.
"Woah. Who are you guys?" The spider had stared at them in awe, the eyes on his mask widening by the inches.

Pavitr and Hobie looked at each other. "Spider-man." "Spider-punk". They said at the same time, and had both internally cringed at themselves.

"I'm Spider-man too! Spider-UK. You guys must be from different universes. What are you doing here?" The spider dusted himself and dodged a tentacle that Doc-Ock had thrown their way, the mad-scientist grunting in anger at their collaborative efforts to beat him.
Hobie was surprised, but not really, that this one had knowledge of other dimension spiders, something which he lacked before Pavitr.
"Just droppin' by. On vacation."
He strummed his guitar again, getting Doc-Ock to move a step back as Pavitr plotted out different trajectories to envelop him in his webbings.

"Luv, I'm going to leave this first part to you, a'ight? The ball's your court!" He trusted, knowing and understanding by now that Pavitr as a first plot to disarm and entrap was the best way to fight together. Pavitr was quick on his feet, had great upper-body strength to squish even the mother-arachnid with his webs, and did not require the help of destructive sonic waves to stun the villain. He moved gracefully, efficiently, and Hobie had not clocked just how breathless Pavitr rendered him when he ogled at him in action up until now.

"Got it, Spider-Punk!"
Hobie shivered, not used to being addressed that way by him. It seemed impersonal almost, but it was ways to keep his identity.
Spider-UK sat back to recover from his fight and watched as interdimensional traveling heroes lent him a hand.
Doc-Ock had completely been wrapped in webs within seconds, way quicker than a normal spider-man would have using their slingers. Pavitr's bangles were a true advantage to possess because they had the weight to run the course of whatever path he threw them into. Hobie did not wait for Doc-Ock to muster up a reaction when he sent him flying with his guitar, extra far this time, making sure his landing would not be kind enough to let him get back up and concoct new problems for the city any time near today.

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