9. Happy Birthday

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The night was draped in silence as Chigiri Hyoma arrived home late. It had been a demanding day. As he closed the door behind him, fatigue draped over him like a heavy cloak. Despite the exhaustion, a sense of relief washed over him as he looked forward to some rest.

As Chigiri stepped into the quiet apartment, he called out, "Hey, (Y/N), I'm home!" expecting to be greeted by the familiar sound of your voice. The silence that followed was met with a subtle disappointment. A furrow formed on his brow, perhaps you had already gone to bed, Chigiri let out a tired sigh and headed toward the living room.

He flicked on the lights, and to his surprise, there you were, standing in the middle of the room with a bright smile on your face. In front of you was a beautifully decorated birthday cake.

"Surprise!" you exclaimed, the excitement evident in your voice.

Chigiri blinked in astonishment, a mix of emotions washing over him. "Wait, is this for me?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine surprise.

You chuckled, setting the cake down on the table. "Of course, it's for you, silly. Happy birthday,Hyoma! I was getting worried you might get home after midnight."

A mixture of emotions washed over him—surprise, gratitude, and a deep warmth. It took a moment for the realization to sink in. Chigiri hadn't even realized that today was his birthday.

"I can't believe you did all this. Thank you, Dear." Chigiri admitted, his voice filled with genuine surprise.

You chuckled, stepping closer, pulling him in for a kiss. "C’mon let’s light these candles and celebrate. It’s still your birthday for another hour."

As they cleared the dishes and moved towards the cozy living room, you shot him a mischievous grin. "You know Love, I do have a present for you. It’s in the bedroom."

Chigiri's eyes widened, and a playful smirk tugged at his lips. "Oh, really?" he replied, his gaze meeting yours. You chuckled, grabbing his hand and leading him towards your shared bedroom.

You pulled him closer, your lips meeting his in a sweet and passionate kiss as you pushed him onto the bed. Chigiri felt a warmth spreading through him, and he couldn't help but reciprocate.

As you pulled away, you whispered against his lips, "I hope this day is as special for you as you are to me, Dear."

Chigiri smiled, holding you close. "With you, every day is special."

You smirked as you placed a hand on his chest while you shifted closer to straddle his lap, "Now, I think the Birthday boy has earned a long relaxing night," you whisper in his ear as your other hand traveled down to his waistband. "Just sit back and enjoy the show Love~"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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