Chapter 2 : The Isolated

Start from the beginning

Voice of the Hero

We died because you put a crack in the world starving us.

The Narrator

What crack? If anyone would have to the power to do that then it would be her. I would not  want you to come to harm you can believe me on that. If there is any proof of her intentions then a crack in reality would be a pretty big sign.

Voice of the Compassionate

No, stop giving us half-truths. You told us to not look into the crack. You knew what what would have happened if we looked into it. We trusted you then and it lead us to our deaths.

The Narrator

If you had trusted me then you wouldn't be here. You would've went to the cabin, slayed the princess and lived happily ever after. 

The Narrator

Now, we've wasted enough time siting here arguing trusts and truths. We should keep moving.

[Continue down the path]

The Narrator

You make your way up the short path to the... tower. This isn't right there's supposed to be a cabin on that hill.


This is Repunzel's tower there's a way up at the bottom.

Voice of the Compassionate

Then what are we waiting for. Let's get moving.

[Remove the leaves covering the secret entrance] "I knew it"

The Narrator

You make your way up the dark vine grown tower. The wooden stairway is musty and overgrown with vines. Soft sobbing can be heard coming from above.

Voice of the Hero

That must be her and I think she still remembers. Why else would she be in tears.

The Narrator

As you reach the top of the stair you are confronted with a wooden door. Stabbed into it's frame is a pristine blade. Take it, you will need it if you want to do this right. 

Slay The Princess: Compassionate PathWhere stories live. Discover now