"Going to bake your own cake?" Sky teases.

Rain laughs at this, "P'Pai's parents have volunteered." He says.

"Have you met any of P'Phayu's family?" Sky asks.

"His family is coming next week. We are going to get to meet and talk about the wedding." Rain says.

Their attention is drawn back to the website as another flurry of orders come in.

"With as busy as you are with the wedding and Lys, you may end up having to hire some assistants." Sky says.

Rain's eyes widen as he looks at the number of orders he already has. Sky may be right.

"Phi Chai!" Rain is slightly startled by the booming voice and Lys hides shyly behind him as P'Phayu's family files out of the two cars. P'Phayu's brother P'Saifah has driven P'Phayu's Range Rover down and is going to leave it here so that P'Phayu doesn't have to resort to borrowing P'Pai's car.

"Lys, Rain come meet my nephews, demon one and demon two." P'Phayu calls over to them.

'Uncle Phayu!" The twin six-year-olds protest.

The boys each take of Lys's hands and says in unison, "We are Mist and Dew what's your name?"

"Lys," she says.

"P'Lys," the boys say excitedly.

Lys looks a little surprised at this at first, not used to being addressed as the phi. Then she looks delighted. Rain is pretty sure she just gained two little honorary brothers.

"So this is Rain?" P'Saifah says pulling him into a bear hug. "I was wondering who would actually put up with my brother."

"Nice to meet you, Rain." The woman next to P'Saifah says, "I am Heam."

Next P'Phayu's parents step up and hugs Rain in turn. "Please call us Mae and Pa." His mother says.

Rain had been a little nervous about meeting P'Phayu's family, but he is almost immediately made to feel like a member. Lys is adored by the twins and P'Phayu's parents treat the three children with equal adoration.

P'Pai and Sky also join the family for dinner. P'Phayu had told Rain that he and P'Pai had been friends for so long his parents considered the other alpha to be part of the family. Sky also finds immediate acceptance into the family.

"P'Sky can I tell them?" Lys asks out of nowhere during dinner. Rain and P'Phayu know what she's asking but the rest of the family looks confused.

Sky smiles and nods.

"P'Sky and P'Pai are having a baby." Lys announces.

Heam and P'Phayu's mother squeal at this news and P'Saifah and his dad congratulate the couple.

"Son, I am so happy for you, all my children are settled into happy relationships," P'Phayu's father says.

"What about you, Rain?" P'Saifah asks, "Any thoughts of pups with this brother of mine?"

"We have discussed that, and both want that very much." Rain says smiling.

"Just a warning, the twin gene is strong in our family." P'Phayu's mother says.

Rain thinks of twins and isn't sure if the thought is horrifying or endearing.

Rain does end up hiring two high school students to help pack and ship their orders and one university student who wants to open their own bakery one day to be his assistant in the kitchen.

The days until it's time to leave for the wedding flies by. Soon they are leaving for Ko Pha Nang. The beaches there are so beautiful and P'Phayu has hired a wedding planner to take care of most of the details

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