Chapter 8

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As soon as the online shopping site goes live for Rainy Day Bakery, Rain sits anxiously waiting for that first order. To his amazement it comes almost immediately.

Rain shrugs this off figuring it is one of his friends testing out the site. However, in the first hour he has almost a hundred orders. As if people have just been waiting for him to open the store.

Rain feels numb with shock and excitement. It seems odd to have so many so fast and Rain also can't help but to worry the site is glitching.

He asks Sky when he comes in.

"I think that is Phan." Sky laughs.

"What?" Rain asks.

Sky pulls up a game streaming sight and clicks on a live stream displayed on his home page. To Rain's surprise he sees it's Phan, and her following is relatively large at 89,000 followers.

Phan is currently playing an online role-playing game and chatting with her audience. In full display on her desk is a box of his cookies with the name and website address turned to the camera.

"Today's sponsor is Rainy Day Bakery," she tells her audience with a smile, taking a cookie out and biting into it will relish. "Now available online. See their link in the description."

Sky closes the stream. "See it pays to have friends that are nerds." He teases.

"I guess," Rain says as another batch of orders comes in simultaneously. "Did P'Pai send her a box of my cookies?"

"Yup," Sky says, taking on a slight glow the way he always does when talking about his husband.

Rain thinks those two are sweeter than anything he has in the bakery. Rain jokes about how disgusting they are but it's really very cute and he is glad his friend is happy.

Sky's not the only one disgustingly happy these days. Rain smiles down at the ring on his own finger, the one he had gotten from P'Phayu on Christmas day with Lys there to witness the proposal.

First P'Phayu had taken Lys aside and whispered something to her. Her eyes had grown wide, and she had nodded excitedly.

"What are you two whispering about over there?" Rain had called.

"None of your business," P'Phayu answers, "this is between Lys and me."

Lys giggles at that.

Finally, P'Phayu says, "Ready?"

"Ready, phi." Lys answers

Rain raised an eyebrow at that, since when did P'Phayu go from being uncle to Phi to Lys.

"P'Rain, P'Phayu has something to ask you." Lys says. She grabs Rain's phone and opens the camera.

"What's going on?" Rain asks.

P'Phayu comes over to where Rain is and takes a box from his jacket pocket. He kneels down in front of Rain and opens the box revealing a platinum ring with a blue inset sapphire. "Will you marry me?"

Rain's mouth drops open, what's happening is not registering properly. "Really?" he asks.

"Say yes," Lys stage whispers from the side where she is filming.

"Yes," Rain says doubtfully then his brain catches up and he understands, he says more enthusiastically, "Yes, of course yes." He hugs P'Phayu and kisses him. It's only Lys's giggles that reminds him they have an audience.

Following Rain's gaze, Sky says, "Have you picked a date yet?"

"June, we thought we would wait until Lys's school break since we are going to Ko Pha Nang." They were renting out an entire resort there for the wedding and reception.

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