Paper Stars [Fluff]

Start from the beginning

"Then why hasn't he spoken to me anymore since then?"

"He thinks you're angry with him and don't want to speak with him."

Regulus rolls his eyes.

"Reg," James puts both hands on his shoulders now. "Sirius would love to have you over for Christmas. So would I. Your parents are monsters. Run away."

"It's so easy?"


Regulus scoffs and shakes him off. He continues to walk. James joggs after him.

"It is not easy, you idiot. It is my family, my home, my inheritance, my life. I would be homeless. I'd have nothing."

"You wouldn't be homeless. You could live with Sirius. And you'd have an actual life. One you can govern without your mother's interference. Come on. Tell me one thing you want to do – you want to – and that your mother would support. Just one."

Regulus is quiet for a minute. He doesn't have an answer.

"You got nothing. Do you?"

"I like playing the piano, and she supports it."

"Does she? Or does she just want to use you as a party pianist?"

He is quiet again.

"I bet you couldn't even get married to whoever you want to, and you're not even gay like Sirius."

Regulus frowns.

"Look, Reggie, I'm your friend-"

He scoffs.

"Am I not? I thought we were friends."

"Oh, Merlin, don't sound so sad when you say that."

"Are we not friends?"

Regulus looks at him from the corner of his eye. "Even if, what changes?"

"I'm your friend. Sirius is your brother. We'd defend you if you were to get any backlash for running away. You can rely on us."

"I don't like relying on other people. People are unreliable by principle."

"We'd defend you. We'd give you a home. Sirius would gladly do it. So would I. I'm not just talking, Reggie. Sirius is so much happier since he left that horrible house. So would you."

"Are you genuinely trying to convince me to leave my home and move in with you right now?"

"Yes!" James exclaims, moving in front of Regulus, and takes his gloved hands in his. "Today, come home with me instead of returning to your house. Spend Christmas with me and Sirius."

Regulus looks up at him. His eyes are curiously grey like Sirius's but darker like the tip of a pencil.

He looks at him for an endless moment. The floating lights dance around them, drawing shadows and highlights on his face.

"No," He whispers. He sounds like he is more talking to himself than James. He pulls his hands back. "I could never live with you."

The words want to hurt, but how he says it only makes him sad. "Why not?"

"Why not? Merlin, you idiot. You goddamn senseless idiot. You know nothing, do you? I could never be that close to you for an entire day. Multiple at that!"

James blinks at Regulus, confused about his sudden distress.

"Do you really dislike me so much?"

"Dislike?" He huffs in frustration.

The Sun & The Stars - Jegulus OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now