Kunikida seemed to know who they were, "The Port Mafia's Black Lizard." He stated

"Well, you'll forgive these mistakes shortly." The mafioso continued

The moment he lowered his hand, his subordinates aimed their weapons and cocked their guns as the sound of a violin rang out at the same time they pulled the triggers "Concerto D-fense" A soft voice said as every single on of the detectives were protected with a shield. The mafiaoso soon ran out of ammunition which was expected to massacre every single one of the detectives. But no, not only were they alive and unscathed the mafiaoso, Hirotsu would hear another play of the violin that he knew all too well, followed by a "Stop it."
"Get down!" He warned his subordinates

"Stars." Voyager said, as she played the song to summon Galaxy on the Strings. Unfortunately, none of the men got hit. Which was Voyager's plan, she didn't want to hit anyone it was simply a distraction, as the other detectives dealt with them. But sadly, the office was a wreck, most of it from Voyager's Galaxy on the Strings and some from the mafia's ammunition.

Suddenly Atsushi barged in and yelled, "Stop!" Just in time to see Kunikida grabbed a confused Hirotsu by the wrist and flipping him over his shoulder causing him to grunt out in pain. Atsushi looked even more confused, especially at the sight of Kenji kicking one mafioso the ground and catching his machine gun before slamming himself on the pile of unconscious enemies. Yosano harshly kicking another man across the cheek, Ranpo chugging his soda and Voyager who went back to tuning her violin. This is definitely not what Atsushi thought he would see. Despite the damages the raid caused, (he doesn't know Voyager did most of the damages) every one of the detectives seems to be doing just fine.

With a blank expression, Kunikida saw Atsushi standing by the door and twisted the old man's arm, earning a cry from him, before stating, "You finally returned, brat." But the young man could only stare with a confused look while his left eye twitched, obviously not expecting the mafia group to be taken down so easily by his colleagues who were so clearly outnumbered. Letting out a sigh, the spectacled man stood up and whipped his notebook out, grumbling "This is why I hate raids. Because of them, we have to fix everything. How much does repair fees even cost?"

The sound of a violin came as a response, making Kunikida look at Voyager. "No. We are not letting you pay again." He denied, making Voyager frown and put her violin away. 'How in the world did Kunikida-san understand that?' Atsushi thought

"Using machine guns for a raid is a little overkill." Yosano said with her arms crossed
"V, we did say that we would all be equally responsible for any damages in the Agency, that does not mean you have to be the one that causes most of the damages."

Voyager could only give her a sheepish and apologetic smile.

Yosano then placed a hand on her hip, while looking at Kunikida with a deadpanned expression. "This time Kunikida, you go through the neighborhood with apologies and gifts."

The said male let out a sigh, he was definitely not liking the idea of his work piling up by the minute. "So it really was a worst case scenario, after all."

"What?" A stunned response came from Atsushi. 'So this is the worst case scenario?' he wondered in disbelief. 'This is the military squad of the Port Mafia on par with special ops? What is this?'

"Kunikida-san, what should we do with them?" Kenji asked cheerfully

"Throw them out the window." Was his reply

"Understood!" Without wasting another second, Kenji began dragging the unconscious mafias and throwing them out the window one by one while counting


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