
395 26 13

Status: Alive
Gender: Female
Age: ???
Birthday: 12th November
Height: 166cm (I'm only guessing, don't attack me.)
Ability: None. She's an entity, she doesn't need it.
V-chan (Dazai, Ranpo)
Violinist Girl(Chuuya, Akutagawa)
V (Yosano)
Affiliation: ADA, ??? (Old job.)
Likes: Animals, ADA, Tea, Fish, Her friends, A dual-coloured haired male
Dislikes: Dazai's suicidal habit, Bad people, Her old job, A certain Russian male.

How does Voyager fight?
Voyager fights by using her violin, she has multiple skills, Starlight Sonata, Concerto D-fense and Galaxy on the Strings.

Starlight Sonata
If played and heard, Starlight Sonata puts the opponents in a trance, rendering them confused. Therefore, granting her allies a chance to take the enemies out.

Concerto D-fense
When played, Concerto D-fense summons a shield for all of her allies. But it only lasts for only a certain amount of seconds, so they make use of it before it disappears.

Galaxy on the Strings
One of Voyager's most powerful attack yet. She has only used it in grave situations or situations where it's needed. Galaxy on the Strings puts the enemy in a trance, rendering them confused as a barrage of interstellar blades rain down on them. If the enemies are lucky enough to snap out of the trance, they might just be able to make it out alive. But there's more, the more she plays, the wider the range is. If she were to be in the wrong hands, she might just obliterate an entire country.

 If she were to be in the wrong hands, she might just obliterate an entire country

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his is what Voyager looks like. (I am like- SHE IS SO WOXJJDOEJBAKDKOSNBDID)

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