"NOTHING!" He kicks his foot against the altar box again, as thunder erupts in the background. It's way louder than last time. "I. WANT. NOTHING. TO. DO. WITH. YOU!" He keeps kicking that box. He thinks for a moment, muttering under his breath. "I'VE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU, BOY!" He pats my back, as a devilish grin spreads across his face. "Ready to hear it?" I understand the rudeness of rejecting a God's offer, and as such I have but one thing to say.

"I don't think so." His smile fades quickly.

"A challenge." His voice just dropped an octave. "A quest from a god to a human." He steps back, and ascends into the air in the center of the area of worship. He's dressed in what I can only assume to be traditional Roman garb. The white toga, a golden crown. His gray hair sways majestically in wind that did not exist before. "If you fail, you shall die." Wait what? I start freaking out, and shouting protests. He continues his speech as if he didn't hear me. "Your quest is as follows :" He pauses for dramatic effect, probably. "By the end of this week, the coming Sunday, you must begin dating one girl!" And with that, the old, young, and everything in between man vanished into the air. I stood there for a moment, too shocked to even understand what he said. A quest from a god. I figured it would be something intense like saving the world. But it turns out what he requested of me was...


Monday - 6:12 PM.

I finally managed to reach my house. Luckily my next-door neighbor wasn't waiting for me outside. I head in and slump unelegantly onto my bed. I can't even begin to think about my next course of action. What did Prodecus want with me? Why give me such a strange quest? I know that the man is some form of deity so I probably shouldn't just brush it off. Especially that one line. If I fail, I will die. The worst she could say is no? For once, that holds true. I can't think straight right now. I feel so tired out from just talking with that man... No, is man the right word? My bed feels really comfortable under me. Really, really comfortable...

Monday - 9:17PM.

I awake naturally. I don't tend to nap. Could that have been a dream? I take a shower, both to clear my thoughts and to clear the grime from the day. Especially that god's spit. How gross.

I feel much better after a shower. I managed to work through my dilemma in my head. Two girls came to mind, but there was really only one choice. I walk back into my room and find a clock ticking by the side of my bed. It's not mine. Its blood red surface displays not the time, but a countdown. Three hours and Six days remain. Next to it there's a sheet of paper with a note, presumably from Prodecus. "The nature of this quest prohibits you from telling any girls who you are not dating of this quest." Prodecus seems to be taking this seriously. I guess that means that I have no choice. It's time for me to get a lover. I sigh. I get the feeling a lot of sighs will exit my mouth in the near future. I change into my pajamas and go to bed. I'll need the rest.

Tuesday - 7:00 AM.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! A familiar alarm. I sit up in bed. School starts in an hour. I check my bedside table. The red clock still remains. Seventeen hours and Five Days. I've never dated a girl, not even in middle-school. I don't even know where to begin. A quick glance out the window reveals someone waiting for me. I guess there's only really one way to begin : the same way I start every day.

"Ah, Lourve, good morning!" She waves to me, leaning forward. Girl number one - Ria Leigh. My childhood friend. The one I used to play with on that playground. Remembering that makes me remember yesterday... I shake off the thought.

"Good morning." I nod to her. I do question why she wants to stay my friend sometimes. I'm quite a blunt individual and I don't see any real reasons to want to spend time with me. Our interests also don't line up at all. She leads the way to school. Her brown hair bounces against her shoulders as she walks. She chose a sleeveless white dress this morning. It suits her. She really is cute. I see a lot of guys trying to flirt with her, but she normally just hangs out with her girl-friends in school. She may hang out with me due to a sense of responsibility. Perhaps as both my neighbor and childhood friend, she feels as though she has to look out for me. I've asked her about that before, and she said that wasn't the case. Of the two girls I thought of yesterday, she was the definite no. Nothing against her, I simply don't feel that way about her. Even though she may be the only girl that I'm close with, I'm not going to compromise my morals for some random deity I'd never heard of until just yesterday.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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