"Aww," She gushed, her sugary-sweet voice laced with venom. "The lovers are back. Enjoying my sloppy seconds Lila?"

Lila put her fork down and glanced at the blonde, as if she was comparing her to Carson.

Lila stood, so slow even Carson was holding her breath. She grabbed her water and slowly twisted the cap off. As if she was taking a drink and tripped she spilled it all over Emmalee, along with the salad she wasn't eating.

"Oh my God!" Lila gasped, "I am so clumsy. I'm so sorry, what was it, Emerson?"

"Emmalee." She corrected her eyes narrowed at the taller girl. "And I don't know who you think you are, but Carson is mine."

"Actually," Ryen stood up next to Lila. "She isn't you guys are as over as my popularity."

"Who even are you?" Emmalee asked, playing like she didn't know who she was.

"Oh, you don't remember cheating on Carson with Atticus to hurt me. He loved me and you and Levi couldn't stand that. You hated the fact that he would defend me from you guys, you hated the fact that Carson defended me. So you, her oh so devoted girlfriend, cheated on her and made Atticus cheat on me." Lila's face twisted into something sinister at Ryen's words.

"Shut up." Emmalee said and stomped away.

Carson felt red-hot rage boil in her, she was beyond pissed at what Ryen had said. She never knew that Emmalee had cheated on her with Atticus, she never knew that Atticus cheated on Ryen; he always seemed so devoted. Carson twisted her curly hair into a tight bun and walked up to Atticus' table; they were still mourning the loss of their friends.

"Atticus," She cleared her throat. "Can we talk, privately?"

He shrugged and followed her into the music room.

Carson stared up at the linebacker and took in everything his eyes showed, he was mourning his baby brother, he was angry at someone for doing it, and she caught a hint of remorse she hoped it was for what he did to Ryen.

He ran a hand through his tousled hair and cleared his throat. "If you came here to try to make out with me it will never happen, Carson. You of all people should know how much I still love Ryen."

"Then why cheat?" Carson seethed. "Especially with my girlfriend at the time. Why would you dump Ryen because she loved you?"

"Loved?" Atticus looked wounded at the words.

"Yes, loved. She has Dalton now, he would move mountains for her."

"Dalton Ray?"

"Mhm," Carson was starting to get annoyed at not getting the answers she wanted. "Can you answer my questions now?"

"She's dating Dalton Ray," Atticus mumbled more to himself than Carson. "I thought she loved me."

"She did, until your little cheating stunt. Until your friends made her life a living hell."

"Our friends," He said looking into Carson's eyes. "You didn't exactly stop them either."

"I left with Ryen though," She pointed out. "You did nothing but watch them hurt her. All because she wasn't perfect. Neither are you, Atticus. And you lost the girl to Dalton, so now I'm going to ask you one last time. Why would you dump her? Why did you cheat on her with my girlfriend?"

"I don't know, okay." His face was bright red and he looked ready to hurt Carson. "Now leave me alone, bitch."

He stormed out and Carson watched in disbelief. She couldn't believe what had just happened with Atticus and she didn't think that she wanted to. She hated that he remembered she did nothing to stop them from hurting Ryen all those times. She loved her best friend, but she hated that she loved being popular more. It's why she stole Lila before the popular kids could, she needed Lila to make her feel special. Carson didn't love her yet, but she would say it if necessary to keep her, and if she fell in love, so be it. As of right now, she missed Emmalee and being popular, not Ryen or Lila.

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