She nodded as if she understood.

"I can't wrap my head around how someone could do something like this in a never changing town." She said, mostly to herself, but Lynn heard her.

"No one can," He looked down at her sadly. "You did not have to become a part of this though."

"Why did you call me here?" She asked, her eyes narrowed at the empty interrogation room.

He didn't say anything and all of the pieces fit together. She was a suspect, she made herself a target by trying to get involved. So much for helping and being respected here. She glared up at the man and watched as he sat into the chair across from her, as she seethed in her seat.

"Now, this is an informal interview, you are free to leave at any moment. You aren't a suspect," He droned on and on, and she knew she wasn't a suspect, if she was she would have been read her Miranda rights.

"This is Detective Lynn meeting Carson Zaine, the time is 3:45 pst. Carson, where were you on November 6th, around the hours of 8:00-9:00 pm?"

November 6th, the first and second murder, Pastor Jacobs and Carter Jones. Carson tried to think back to what she was doing and who she was with.

"At 8pm my friends, Ryen, Dalton, Lila, and myself went to Sushi Haven. We were eating our sushi when the farmer's son came in and was all distraught about Carter's murder. We finished our sushi around 8:45 and went back to my house. I texted you guys around 1:30ish, you would have the time stamp for that."

Detective Lynn nodded and looked down at his list. "Your story matches up with Mr. Jones'. Where were you on November 6th between the hours of 12:00-3:00pm?"

Carson wasn't nervous, but she was worried she would forget exactly what she was doing. She didn't remember who she was with, she didn't think she had to.

"My mother and I were out shopping all day. We were making sure we had everything for Thanksgiving, and I was buying Christmas gifts." She said, finally remembering.

"Do you have a job?"

"Yes, I work at the convenience store on Richview. I work every Thursday, Friday, and Monday." She said, answering a question he was about to ask.

"And did you go to work last Friday?" He asked.

"I did. I worked from 5:00-9:00 pm. I got home around 9:30. My mother was watching TV when I came in, I showered and went to bed."

"Well, thank you for your time, Ms. Zaine. Sorry to call you in like this." He stood up and Carson did the same.

"My pleasure, anything to help you guys catch the Lilac Killer." She said politely. She grabbed Detective Lynn's outstretched hand, and was on her way.

Now Carson knew that she wasn't a suspect anymore, she was worried if they called Ryen in yet. She did find it funny how it was so far only people who had bullied her best friend that died so far. All teenagers, except one. Carson was getting ahead of herself again, she was already breaking her promise. She needed to snap out of this, Lila made it clear what would happen if she didn't.

Carson never knew that she would be one to break promises she made to pretty girls.

"Look, I'm only here because Dalton and Lila forced me. I don't wanna talk to you." Ryen seethed from across the McDonald's booth.

Carson flinched from the harsh words spoken, but understood why they were.

"Look, you're my best friend," Carson ignored her eye roll. "And I made a mistake. I just found it funny that it was all people who bully you. And the police were making the connection already too."

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