"Ma'am, your husband and son were in a terrible crash." The dispatcher had told Kendra.

"Are they okay?" Kendra's scared voice tore through the house, and Carson's soul. "Please tell me that they are okay."

"I'm sorry ma'am." And with that Kendra let out a scream so painful that Carson could feel her own heart break.

Kendra had tried to pull herself together for Carson, who didn't know what was going on.

"Come on, Carson. We need to get to your father." Kendra said drying her eyes and pulling on her shoes.

"Did something happen to them?" Carson asked, already knowing the answer.

Carson didn't allow herself to finish that flashback. She already knew the ending. She knew every little detail that had happened that night.

"So, I heard that the new girl has taken a liking to you." Her mom said, cutting to the point.

"Mother," She groaned. "We're just friends. Nothing more, I promise."

While her mother was supportive of her sexuality she would still prefer her daughter to marry a man and give her grandchildren.

"That's not what I heard from Alexis Hackett." She shrugged. "Look, I don't care, just let me in. I want to be a part of your life. In fact, come to the living room to see your gift."

Carson cocked her head but followed her mother into the room, leaving their dinner untouched on the table.

"Open it." Kendra said pointing to the box on the ground.

Carson carefully lifted the lid on the gift and was staring directly into the blue eyes of her new husky.

"Are you serious?" Carson asked, feeling herself about to cry.

"I figured we could call him Luca, after your brother." Kendra smiled, but Carson knew she was hurt.

Carson nodded and pulled the dog out of the box.

"I love him, thank you mom." And Carson knew that wasn't a lie.

They returned back to the table and finished their Thai dinner. Carson saw her mom continue to sneak little bites to Luca under the table. Somehow the simple little kid gesture made Carson's heart swell. She knew how hard her mom was trying and she promised herself to never be a problem child or a pain. She promised Luca and her father that she would be perfect. And that pressure stayed.

Carson laid in her bed and waited anxiously for her mother to fall asleep, she was planning on sneaking out to see Lila. She knew that it seemed like she was moving too fast, but she had to see her. Knowing that Lila had a crush on her back was enough to make her burst.

Once she was positive her mother was asleep she climbed out her window and started up her truck. She crept down the block and soon she was outside of Lila's house. Carson didn't have to wait long, she saw Lila coming down the stairs with her hair in a messy bun and tortoiseshell glasses perched on her nose.

"Hi, I figured I didn't have to dress up to see you." Lila laughed as she lifted herself into the truck.

"Don't worry, I think you look beautiful no matter what." Carson smiled and saw the way Lila's face lit up.

They drove in silence before Carson pulled into a teenage club. The outside seemed like an old warehouse, only identifiable by the small sign, too broken for anyone to see the name. In rural California the only things for teens to do was drive to the city, or go to CandyLand.

"What is this place?" Lila asked skeptically.

"CandyLand," Carson explained. "It's mostly an indoor skate park, you can dance. It's the hangout spot for teens. I met Ryen here."

"Hmm," Lila sounded and looked distracted. "Why CandyLand?"

"Drugs, I assume." Carson laughed.

Lila smiled and slid out the truck towards the door.

Even in her pajamas she managed to look so gorgeous. Her shorts showed off her volleyball legs and her crop top gave everyone a view of her toned arms. The slightest bit of her midriff was showing, and from that you could see she worked out a lot.

"I think you're more Cali than you think you are." Carson said. She immediately felt gross compared to her. Carson didn't have slender limbs like Lila, she wasn't toned. She already felt short to her. Adding on to that, she was curvy in all the places that Lila was toned. She crossed her arms over the C-cups that threatened to spill out of her tube top.

"No way, I was just working out before this. My hair is still wet from my shower." Lila smiled at Carson and she took her hand. "Don't leave me, okay."

"Okay." Carson smiled and pulled her into the club.

Once inside the girls were drawn to the skate side.

"You skate?" Carson asked Lila.

She shook her head. "No, but Dalton does. You?"

"No, that's Ryens thing." Carson said, pointing her out.

Here Ryen was free to be her surfer self and not worry about people bullying her again. However, it never lasts long. Some idiot from school always ruins Ryen's vibe and she goes back to ignoring them.

"Hey you guys." Ryen called, a huge smile on her face.

"You're a total rockstar!" Lila said, pulling Ryen in for a hug.

Ryen blushed but hugged her back. "Thank you. Also, if anyone gives you something in a Smarties wrapper don't take it. People like to see someone OD on Ecstasy."

"Noted." Lila smiled at her friend, however the moment was ruined by Gunner White and Tara MacBeth.

"Look, I told you the nerd corrupted Lila." Tara said, shoving Ryen forward.

Lila reached out to steady Ryen, but before she could get her Tara grabbed her.

"Don't help her," Gunner hissed. "She won't be hurt." Something in the way he said that made Carson's skin crawl.

"Excuse me," Lila asked. "But I don't think you wanna do that?"

"Why's that?" Gunner asked, trying to get in her face, but he was too short.

"I don't think you wanna find out." Her sapphire eyes flashed something dark, with a darker smile to match.

"Come on, Tara." He backed away from the giant.

Lila smiled at her friends and pulled her phone out.

"Dude, she's amazing." Ryen said to Carson.

Carson nodded and stared at the girl she liked. This girl was totally different from the one who showed up to Clearview High. This girl was happy, friendly, and amazing. She loved this girl.

"Hey, Dalton needs me at home, can you take me?" She asked Carson.

"Sure." She gave an apologetic smile to Ryen. Ryen shrugged it off and headed back to the skate ramp.

"Next time, you and I are dancing." Lila smiled and nudged Carson.

She laughed and pulled into her driveway. "Bye, Lila." 

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