Absolutely NOT.

Love gave him a sultry smirk, making his look of confidence falter for a moment. She placed her hand on his knee and slowly began moving it up. With her other hand, she fiddled with the buttons on the shirt she was wearing before opening the top one and moving her hand down to the next one.

"Do you really think you're winning here? Against me? At my own game?" She asked him, speaking slowly and sultry.

She could see Joo-ik's pupils expand to the point of becoming black voids as he watched her easily outmatch his flirtations. She could see him fighting with himself over whether to give in to her advances or to still try and act like a gentleman like last night. She rested her hand on the hem of his pants, lightly tugging it towards her, and watched with a smirk as he caught himself before falling into her. They continued to stare at each other, neither wanting to lose to the other's game, with one being the deity who had created this game and was the master of it, while the other was the only mortal who consistently flustered her and hadn't been killed by her curse yet.

Joo-ik put his hand on top of Love's hand that was keeping him leashed to her, and her sultry grin turned to one of victory and cockiness at getting him to bend to her will and finally give in to her. He swooped in and pressed his lips against hers. Love immediately raised her other hand to his nape and lightly gripped the back of his head. The kiss quickly turned passionate as they continued to kiss and nibble at each other's lips. Love pulled herself over to Joo-ik and straddled his lap. Joo-ik's hands ended up on her hips, and he pulled the shirt that he had lent her out of her pajama pants.

It was clear where they wanted to go and what they wanted to do. It all could have been perfect after all the flirting, longing looks, romantic outings, and countless moments shared together that had only cemented their shared attraction and growing bond to the point they were becoming inseparable.


"Joo-ik, I'm heading off for work. Is that nosey woman gone yet, or—HEY, DO NOT HAVE SEX IN THE KITCHEN!" Hyun-gyu yelled, quickly covering his eyes and turning away from the two.

Love, begrudgingly, separated from Joo-ik and his addictive lips, turned to Hyun-gyu, and glared at him. With her magic, she picked up the knife meant to cut the bread and aimed it at Hyun-gyu's head. Joo-ik, spotting this, grabbed the floating knife by the handle, cupped the back of Love's head, and brought her back down to his lips as a distraction.

Love hated how easily she got distracted from a simple thing. She also hated how undisturbed Joo-ik was by her, her magic, and her near-murderous tendencies that came to her just as easily as making people fall in love, getting expensive clothes for free from old, rich men who didn't love or care for their wives enough, and writing books. She hated how much she allowed herself to play along with the mortals when she should swear them off. She hated how much softer, emotional, and greedy it made her to want it all to just be her's.

She hated it so much that she didn't actually hate it all. It worried her more than anything.

 It worried her more than anything

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