Vivienne Rudd | My Hero Academia

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"There's rainbows all around us. You just gotta turn on a light."


i.– basic info

🌈 name: Vivienne Rudd

🌈 nicknames: Viv, V, Scene Queen, Sparky

🌈 age: 15 (beginning), 16 (end)

🌈 birthday: May 18

🌈 star sign: Aries

🌈 birthplace: San Francisco, CA

🌈 hometown: San Francisco, CA

🌈 ethnicity: Caucasian

🌈 nationality: American

🌈 languages spoken: English, Spanish (advanced)

🌈 gender: Gender apathetic (she/her)

🌈 sexuality: Bisexual

ii.– appearance

🌈 description: Vivienne is a strong, average height young woman with iridescent eyes and a perpetual smile. She's most known for her hair, which is a rainbow fringe usually adorned with various hair clips. Her fingernails are usually painted in a similarly colorful fashion and she has snake bite lip piercings.

🌈 height: 5'5 (165 cm)

🌈 weight: irrelevant

🌈 other distinguishing features: sharp canine teeth, colorful wardrobe, birthmark on left thigh

iii.– personality

🌈 positive traits: charismatic, amiable, considerate, generous, free-thinking

🌈 neutral traits: casual, high-spirited, extroverted, outspoken, amusing

🌈 negative traits: excitable, forgetful, fatalistic, spiteful, opinionated

🌈 likes: colors, dancing, sweet foods, dogs, climbing things

🌈 dislikes: perverts, escape rooms, awkward silence, arguments, the color beige

🌈 fears: vomiting, losing loved ones, being alone

🌈 hobbies: hairdressing, writing fanfiction, listening to music, making kandi, sewing

🌈 talents: dancing, mid-range combat, sewing, electric bass, cooking

iv.– abilities

🌈 quirk: Spectrum

🌈 quirk description: The Spectrum quirk is fairly simple, allowing the user to manipulate and emit photons on the visible spectrum, usually manifesting as rainbows or different colors at the user's will. When used at minimum, the user can bend the path of lights around them in order to make spaces brighter or illuminate a certain object. At its strongest, the user can temporarily pack photons together to form solid light, which has many uses, the most utilized of which is combat.

🌈 quirk drawbacks: The user is not immune to damaging their vision from misuse of their quirk. Without eye protection, there is a risk of going blind. If the quirk's stronger abilities are used too frequently in a short span, the user will risk burns. The quirk is naturally weaker in darkness and can be rendered completely useless in pitch-black conditions.

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