Saving Little Girls

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The little girl whimpered, and Mirabel slowly approached. Stopping every few seconds, as to not alert the marines to her presence. Zoro noticed her but didn't say anything. The blonde man started laughing. "It seems, even little brats are afraid of my Daddy." The guy says, that stops Mirabel in her tracks. The teenager in her snickering. "His Daddy?" Luffy asked, muffling giggles. Koby looked confused. "So that guy's Father is Captain Morgan?" Koby asked. Then the blonde turned to one of his lackeys. "You there. Throw this kid out. NOW." The blonde says. When the man hesitates the blonde brat gets in his face and demands he throw the little girl out again. Finally the marine agreed and took a step towards the little girl. Mirabel lifted the little girl into her arms. The little girl wrapped her arms around Mirabel's neck and Mirabel glared at the Marine. "I'm sorry about this, you two." The Marine told them. "Try to curl into a ball." He told Mirabel. "Excuse me?" She asked, before he lifted her above his head and threw her over the wall. "¡¿Qué carajo?!" She shouted. The little girl screamed and Mirabel wrapped tighter around her. Luffy's eyes widened and he stretched himself to reach up and wrap around Mirabel and take the brunt of the landing. Luffy's hat went flying and landed next to the fallen trio. Luffy helped them both up and checked Mirabel over for injures kissing all over her face in complete worry. "I'm alright, Lu." Mirabel told him, placing her right hand on the side of his face, he kissed her in relief. Then she turned her attention to the little girl. "Are you alright?" Mirabel asked the girl. "Yes, thanks, Ma'am and Mister!" The little girl said, smiling at them. "Luffy! Mirabel! Are you three okay?!" Koby called, running over. Mirabel took Luffy's hat and gently placed it back on his head and he smiled at her, kissing her forehead.

 "How can that man be so cruel?" Koby asked. "Not all Marines are good, Koby. A lot of them are just yes men. The higher ups are almost ALL cruel. You'll find hardly any good ones." Mirabel told him, coldly. Luffy went back to Zoro, after grabbing Mirabel's waist. She clings to him upset. Mirabel focused on helping Zoro. "So, I hear you're a bad guy." Luffy said, causing Mirabel to pinch his side. "Luffy..." She scolded. In the mean time, Zoro's eyes swept over her and checked for injuries, noticing how she favored her right leg. "Are you still here?" Zoro asked Luffy, raising an eyebrow. "You're stuck out here for all the world to see and nothin' Are you really all that strong?." Luffy said. Mirabel rolled her eyes and walked over to Zoro. "I'm healng you." Mirabel told him, gently placing her right hand on his left forearm and and her left hand on his left shoulder. "I don't want you to." Zoro growled. "I wasn't asking." She replied. "Hiru Hiru Two Palms..." She muttered and soon Zoro's sunburn began to go away. Zoro looked at her shocked, before shaking his head and focusing on Luffy. He half listened to her apologies for his pain. "Mind your own business!" Zoro yells at Luffy. Soon Mirabel finishes and steps back, smiling softly at Zoro, who watches her a bit surprised. Then Luffy walks closer, sighing, and Mirabel lays her head against his shoulder when he gets to where she is. "If I were you, I'd probably starve to death in three days." Luffy says. At that Zoro smirks. "I've got more spirit than you could ever have." Zoro says, smirking at Luffy. "Which is how I'm gonna survive this ordeal. This I swear." Zoro says. Luffy snorts. "Heh. What a weirdo." Luffy says to Mirabel, who quietly giggles at the two men. "Wait. Hold on." Zoro says, stopping the two Devil Fruit users when they go to leave. "Could you... Pick that up for me?" Zoro asks, looking at the stepped on rice ball. "You're gonna eat this?" Luffy asks, confused. Mirabel looks at Zoro concerned again. Luffy does as asked and hands it to Mirabel. "It's mostly a ball of mud..." Luffy says. "SHUT UP AND GIVE IT TO ME, NOW!" Zoro shouts, causing Mirabel to flinch slightly.

Then Zoro opened his mouth and Mirabel slowly fed the muddy rice ball. He chewed and swallowed quickly. Coughing as he choked slightly. "Should've listened to me." Luffy says. "It was good..." Zoro mutters. "Thanks for the food..." Zoro mumbles to Mirabel, who smiles at him. Luffy smiles softly. Then the two leave and go back to Koby and the little girl, who they learn is Rika. Rika crawls into Mirabel's lap and Mirabel tells her about Zoro eating what she made. "Really?" Rika asks, stars in her eyes. "That's right. He ate every last grain of rice there was for Mira to feed him." Luffy says. Koby frowns during the story. "That's great!" Rika says, happily. "I wonder if Zoro's as evil as everyone thinks..." Koby says. Mirabel glares at him. "He's NOT!" Rika exclaims. "He's good... Because... He got himself punished... For us..." Rika says, looking down. Luffy, Mirabel, and Koby all pay more attention to her. "You're uh... Not making any sense..." Luffy says, confused. "Sorry..." Rika replies. "It's that dumb Helmeppo...He's the son of Captain Morgan..." Rika says, beginning to tell them the story.

 Mirabel gets angrier as the story goes on, Luffy wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her back to his chest and kissing her head. Then Mirabel learns about the abuse and fury rises in her. Her heart breaks when Rika starts crying. "I see why you're upset..." Koby says. Mirabel buries her face into Luffy's chest who hugs her and has a curious look on his face. Then there's a crash from inside the restaurant and Mirabel flinches. They go in and see Helmeppo there, immediately angry tears fill Mirabel's eyes. She glares and clenches her fists. "I'm hungry. Bring us whatever you got. And keep the check for yourself." Helmeppo demands, looking Rika's Mother. Then he laughs cruelly. "And bring a bottle of your finest bottle of moonshine with whatever crap you serve." He commands. When they enter Mirabel makes eye contact with the ginger from before. Before she turned her attention to the blonde man. Then he suggests executing Zoro and Mirabel gets more upset. Luffy upon hearing him and seeing the effect it had on Mirabel, silently clenched his fists and stared at Helmeppo. Then he ran forward ad punched Helmeppo in the face, startling Mirabel who stared after him wide eyed, her glasses slightly slipping down her nose. She quickly pushed them back up. "Y-You...! You just hit me!" Helmeppo screeched. Mirabel and Koby ran to Luffy's side. "Luffy! No you can't hit him!" Koby said, holding Luffy back. Mirabel watched her best friend, stunned, having never seen him act like this before. "This guy is scum!" Luffy shouted, trying to get free and get to Helmeppo."You actually hit me!" Helmeppo cried, making Mirabel roll her eyes. "I am Captain Morgan's son you know!" Helmeppo yelled, as if it held any weight to them. "Like we care!" Mirabel yelled, glaring at Helmeppo. "You'll care after he executes you for this!" Helmeppo screamed at her, making Luffy angrier. "Why don't you just be a man and fight!" Luffy shouted at him. "Luffy, just ease off some! Why are you trying to get on the Marines bad side?!" Koby yelled, Mirabel glared at him venomously. "Made up our minds." Luffy said. "Today, Zoro joins our crew." Mirabel said.

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