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"Alex, Stella. I'm glad you two are home." Kathrine says to me and Alex. We walk in to see all the kids at the table looking really upset. "What's going on mom?" Alex asks his mother. She looks to the two empty seats next to eachother. "Both of you, have a seat. We have to wait till Jackie and Cole gets back." George explains. Oh she's snitched. Shit. This is gonna cause riots in the house. "From what Jackie said you two are in the clear. We'll see when she gets back if there's any involvement with you Alex." Kathrine continues.

We wait another 5 minutes, but it feels like hours for Jackie and Cole to get back. Once they finally walk through the door Cole strolls in like he owns the place. My baseball cap still firmly planted on Jackie's head. "You're supposed to call if you're gonna be late. Where were you two?" Kathrine asks as Cole grabs bits of chicken from the table. "We were at the uhh, watering hole. Lost track of time." He says with his mouth full. Bullshit. He knows for a fact he had to wait a while to see if his parents would forget about his involvement.

Turns out, Jackie went straight to Kathrines work after school go tell her what happened, then Cole picked her up and took her to some lake. That's what I'm assuming. "Cole do you know anything about a bet involving Issac this morning?" George asks him. Cole is still stuffing his face with food like an animal. "No." Is all he responds. "Seriously Cole?" His mother questions. You can see that she is clearly pissed off with her sons response. "It was a joke." I look to Jackie who's clearly embarrassed by the whole situation.

"You should be telling Stella off too she shouted at us this morning." Jordan tries to interject. I had every right to for what they did to Jackie's hair. "Excuse me? I wasn't the one filming Jackie as she cried trying to get to her room." Kathrine and George look furious. "He did what?!" Kathrine states, dropping her knife and fork onto the plate. "He filmed her, and Lee, Benny, Issac and Cole were practically laughing her into her room." Was it petty snitching on them? Probably. But they fucked with my sister, and no body fucks with my sister.

"Jordan, go get the camera." George orders, the boy looks at me and Alex in anger. I guess he's in their bad book by association. "Jackie do you want some-" Kathrine tries to say but my sister goes upstairs out of embarrassment. "It's fine, I'm going to fix my hair." She practically storms up the stairs with the hair dye in hand. I need to get out of the dinning room, the atmosphere is too intense.

"May I be excused?" I ask the adults. They both nod their head. "Of course. There's gonna be food in the fridge if you want any later." Kathrine smiles, I walk outside and sit down. I let the cool fall air fill my lungs. I hear the door open and close behind me. "You alright Stell?" It was Alex. I close my eyes and tilt my head back. "I just needed to get outta there." I hear him walking along the deck and onto the ground infront of me. "C'mon. I should've shown you this a long time ago." I open my eyes and see his hand being held out in front of me.

I take it, and he leads the way. Our hands intertwined the entire way to the barn. He only lets it go to climb up a ladder. I follow him up to see a hide away of some sorts. "Welcome to the loft." He says. I see all the boys names written on the walls. Beanbags scattered everywhere and a pillar with everyone's height and age. "I come up here when I need to get away from it all in there." Alex says. I'm still looking around in awe. Me, Jackie and Margot never had anything like that when we were younger. It's nice to see how close the siblings really are, especially considering what just happened in the house.

"It's so quiet." I say. There's a view from where I'm stood where you can see the sun set if you get there and just the right time. "We should add you on here." I hear him tap on wood. I turn around and see he's stood next to the height poll. "Oh no I wouldn't want to intrude-" I try and reassure him, but he isn't listening to my words. "You deserve to be up here. C'mon." He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the wood. "Lean right up against it." He instructs me, slightly pushing me into the wood. I make sure to face forward, I'm afraid of what I'll do if I look onto Alex's face.

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